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DMT D8EE for lapping?

Has anyone tried (or have an opinion on) using a DMT D8EE to lap a Chinese 12k and/or Spiderco UF and/or barber hone?

Basically, I am wondering how long it might take and would the D8EE survive ok?
I have a rather old DMT fine pocket hone that cuts finer the more it is used...

I'm willing to buy a D8C in addition to the D8EE, if it's lapping efficiency over the D8EE would warrant it.

Been sharpening knives for years and I am now looking for a decent, minimal, honing set-up for maybe 3 to 6 razors. (I know...famous last words...RAD on a new razor user's horizon...)

Thanks in advance
I think the DMT D8EE would be too fine to make much headway on the Chinese 12K. I used the DMT coarse and fine on mine and it still took quite a while to get it down.



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I think that would be an exercise in futility. Besides, why would you want to use or risk an expensive, fine device to flatten a cheap stone?

The DMT D8C is a good, inexpensive flattener. Amongst knife geeks :)whistling: ) the D8XX is regarded as the most aggresive cutting tool around, but it's a little too coarse to take to your finest stones.

Once you have your stones flat, you shouldn't have to worry about them for awhile. Knives lose a lot of metal during sharpening, so the stones will dish, but razor honing is a far more gentle process.
I strongly suspected that the D8EE would be too fine to lap the Chinese 12k or the Spiderco UF in a timely fashion. I can see using the D8C for "rolling over" the edges on new knives too.

Thanks for the replys. Decision made.

One DMT D8C added to the shopping list.
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