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DIY topy sole using on hand stock - how to ?

first off, is "topy" like the word "xerox" or "google"? i know vibram is a company, but topy appears to be so too.

i have a pair of wolverine 721s that i wear often enough and asked a few cobblers what they could for me for an outsole and so far gotten thin dress shoe soles at ~$65 estimate. I am not happy with their offerings. and i just realized i have a pair of salomon boots where the sole separated from the boot due to age.. and the boots, while still in great shape require a new bed (thats what dsintegrated) and maybe a sole if i use this one.

my plan was to clean up the sole from the bed polymer crap that remains, make it into a half sole, remove the toe protector, shape it a little and somehow attach it with an appropriate adhesive.. the pics make it look like it needs a lot of shaping work, but it's pretty much 99.9% there already..

here are some pics






so how do i go about this??? any special tips, tools, or products.. how do you shape the topy without affecting the sole? tape it up?

thanks guys!

can i use something like clear silicon (GE silicon II) that i use for my bath?
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I guess that would work. Are you leaving the heel the way it is?

I'm not sure what type of adhesive to suggest other than a strong cement. I've heard of pliobond, but never used anything but shoe goo.
I guess that would work. Are you leaving the heel the way it is?

I'm not sure what type of adhesive to suggest other than a strong cement. I've heard of pliobond, but never used anything but shoe goo.

barge cement? goop?

Barge Cement is what the cobblers use. It's like super-strong contact cement, and applied the same way. Just make usre you've got everything taken care of before you do the final bonding, cause that puppy is on there for GOOD once it sets up!
I guess that would work. Are you leaving the heel the way it is?

I'm not sure what type of adhesive to suggest other than a strong cement. I've heard of pliobond, but never used anything but shoe goo.

i actually might have pliobond already.. where would i have pit it. I hope it's not in my garage. have you seen that mess on the GD straights comp page?

Barge Cement is what the cobblers use. It's like super-strong contact cement, and applied the same way. Just make usre you've got everything taken care of before you do the final bonding, cause that puppy is on there for GOOD once it sets up!

this is a measure 3x and cut once project for me..

and i am gonna leave the heel as is. at least thats what i think for now.
Dude! Pony up for a professional job from the cobbler! Those 721's are limited edition boots and IMO should be treated as such! While I admire your DIY attitude I suggest you try out your cobbling skills on a "lesser" pair of shoes!

But they are YOUR boots, so have at if you want!
I thought about it. Its not the cash its the attitude about what I can order from the local cobbler. Is like a hassle for him to answer my questions. And the work area cobbler only had dress shoe topys.
A good shoe repair shop will have Topy, Vibram and that lug sole as well.

That would seem to match the boots in the picture better than Topy.

Also when they apply whichever one you choose, they don't just slap it on (at least good places don't), they shave a 16th or so off the sole, shape and glue the sole on so it looks like it came that way.

This really should be done when shoes are new so you then you just replace the Topy/Vibram as needed. That lug sole will last forever.
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