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Disposable Straight razor?

Well i dnt have much to shave besides my mustache n little peach fuzz beard. I like to have that very clean cut look . Ive been reading around and people say that straight blade shaves better then a razor. I am just thinking about buyin one . I dnt want to spend much . I also want a disposable one. I was looking at these .



or if anyone is selling one here let me know.
Save up and buy a real one mate. If you like it and care for it, it will last longer than you will. If you don't like it, you can always sell a real str8.
Changing the blades on those razors you linked too are a real pain and your committed to spending money buying them.
I bought one of these while giving foreplay to getting a straight, and I cut myself to shreds.
I've now been straight shaving for over a year, tried the shavette out again, and cut myself to shreds.
Get yourself a proper straight razor and do it properly:thumbup:
Well i dnt have much to shave besides my mustache n little peach fuzz beard. I like to have that very clean cut look . Ive been reading around and people say that straight blade shaves better then a razor. I am just thinking about buyin one . I dnt want to spend much . I also want a disposable one. I was looking at these .



or if anyone is selling one here let me know.
Monsieur Charles is a good price and the injector blades means you don't have to handle a safety DE blade and cut in half. Getting advice is one thing (exclellent) but don't be afraid to expand your view point. If you don't like the shavette then you are not out much money. Put it one display
Hey, I own several traditional cut throats, and have owned the feather non folding DX for 6-7mos. now. I have no problems with the feather, it's a great razor, and find myself using it 90% of the time now. (i have gotten really lazy in life). I have no problem changing blades, blade life is fine, and at 50 cents a pop, I'm getting 7-8 great shaves out of each blade on avg. So 7-7.5 cents a shave is very comparable to traditional DE shaving, which everybody raves about saving so much money over gillette cartrideges, so Im fine with that too. I love mine, it is different to use than a trad cut throat, so I can definately see somebody slicing and dicing their grille with this thing for sure. I still go back to my Dovo's on occasion though.
If you are doing it for the better shave and don't want to spend money on the entire straight razor kit, you could get a DE. They are still a big improvement over cartridge razors and don't have the strange nuances of a disposable straight type razor. They also have an easier learning curve. You can easily get a nice DE for less than the cost of those razors that you posted. A DE will also be much less likely to shred your face.
be aware that these 'shavette' style razors shave very differently to a traditional straight razor.

I find something like a Gem to be much closer to straight shaving than them
My friend, I went through the EXACT same calculation that you are going through when I started with this. I figured that it was worth it to try out straight shaving, but I didn't want to mess with trying to learn all of the skills of honing and stropping just to figure out if a straight razor was for me.

Trust me, YOU WILL LOVE IT. And please, please do not bother with the "disposable blade" straight razors. First, you can easily get a "shave ready" straight razor from a vendor or by buying it on this site. After a few shaves, you can try stropping with an inexpensive strop (and it should be a cheap one, because you will make mistakes and cut the heck out of the strop while you are learning). But mostly, a real straight razor gives a different kind of "feel" than anything else you would be using. After a few shaves, you get to appreciate how thin the blade needs to be and how to position it next to your skin, and this "feedback" becomes part of the learning process. I just don't think you will enjoy it as much if you get the disposable blade type straight razor.
I've just used my Feather Artist Club DX tonight, and it's absolutely great, just got to get used to using it, but seriously take these guys advice and you won't go far wrong, they know a lot about straights :D

I suggest a Feather Artist Club Razor try it before you try a tradional straight the RG model is not very expensive a box of 20 blades will last you quite sometime and you dont have to hone or stropp. You will be in pocket for feather but its no different drom DE shaving with disposable blades the only difference is the blades for the feather last roughly 2.5-3times longer. It is not like a traditional straight because its not a traditional straight it has the chareteristics of it. The 30deg angle is built in, the blades are sharp and they help cut down on time of shave not cut down on its enjoyment. I suggest you get both - use the traditional on the weekends until your comfortable to make a decsion. I think that there is a place for both not either or the other. Why limit it since there are many who would say there not the same thing anyway.
I saw a feather in person, it was the model with the wooden handle and I can confirm they're a work of art...I have NOT tried one..so far just struggling to get better with straights myself...but I'd bet they're an amazing shave...if you do decide to swing that way...
And did you look into the DOVO shavettes (did I spell that right)...I've seen quite a few deals in the shaving mall as well as on the Bay...anything Dovo makes can't be too bad...
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