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Disapointing experience with a new barber shop

I've been pretty busy lately and finally had some time to go to the barber today. My usual barber is closed on Mondays, so I though I would try a new barber shop that a college told me about. Looks like the barber does a great job and the prices were pretty reasonable.

The shop is in a hipster/ fixed gear bike shop and it has a nice vintage chair and decorations. When I arrived the barber was chatting to a friend and the bike shop worker had to tell him that I was sitting on the bench waiting. Not a good sign. When he finally arrive he asked if I was his 3 o'clock, I told him that no, I was just hoping to walk in. He then proceeded to tell me in a rather pretentious manner that he did not take walk ins because he had at least a three week waiting list, but could take my name. I left without placing myself on the list.

Three weeks for barbers appointment seem to be completely crazy for a neighborhood barber shop. Especially since it is not downtown and there are two other old establish shops withing five minutes. nor is he a famous establishment. I think what is frustrating here is the terrible service and self important attitude. It's great that there is a resurgence in barber shops, but hopefully this is not the type of service or attitude that will prevail. Anyway, tomorrow I am going to go see my usual barber mike and get a great haircut without any attitude. Sorry for the slight rant.

Anyone else have any similar disappointing or frustrating experiences?
I am sorry to hear that. Traditionally, barbers are not open on Mondays. Sounds like a pseudo-salon to me. When you find a good barber it is a sacred relationship. Don't cheat again!

I am sorry to hear that. Traditionally, barbers are not open on Mondays. Sounds like a pseudo-salon to me. When you find a good barber it is a sacred relationship. Don't cheat again!


I will be faithful from now on, no more wandering eye for me! Good to know about Mondays, I'll make sure to remember that from now on. I am a grad student so I kind of forget that most things have set days off.

Was there anyone else waiting in the shop, after you told him you were a walk in?

Nope, no one else in sight.
Eh, Hipsters... they have to be pretentious, otherwise they would just be chill dudes with strange wardrobes... And for every good stylist and barber I've ever met if they have time to stand around they have time to push a broom, and if they have time to push a broom they have time for a reasonable walk in.
I guess that schmoe decided to live up to a self-proclaimed hype. Many do that... they usually move out within a year or two...
Rejecting business on a slow day because you don't feel like stop chatting for 20 minutes is a sign of lack of business aptitude.

I recently moved to Prague and had somewhat similar experience. There is this ''thomas' barber shop'' establishment here that was so successful he opened a second branch in Prague 5. Two young barbers chatting on a very slow (=dead) morning. The English speaking one was seriously upset to stop that conversation. The second guy, while nice enough, delivered a rather mediocre hair cut. If Thomas, that judging from the website, is an old school guy, had been there that morning, he'd fire them both on the spot.

My point being, a true professional needs no excuse. Wannabees have lots of stories and attitude.
I don't think you missed much....
Eh, Hipsters... they have to be pretentious, otherwise they would just be chill dudes with strange wardrobes... And for every good stylist and barber I've ever met if they have time to stand around they have time to push a broom, and if they have time to push a broom they have time for a reasonable walk in.

I guess so eh? That way they can say, "I go to a barber, but it is really hard to get an appointment." Maybe I need an odder wardrobe to get in :tongue_sm

I don't now why someone would turn down business. You're all right though, it was for the likely for the beast. How much care could he take in his work, if he can't even care enough to make extra money for himself? Not to mention word of mouth advertising. Reputations are tough to build. But, time will sort these people out.
I've never had a problem with local barbers acting all pretentious and being unable to deal with the (gasp!) almost inconceivable task of providing service to their customers. Sorry it had to happen to you.... I can't come up with a better moniker than "douche," either.

Don't waste time getting mad at these jerks; life will get mad at them soon enough.

Well, this past summer I visited a so-called "barber shop" for the last time after a bad experience there. The young lady who cut, errr butchered my hair had the face of an angel, skills of a first day beauty school drop out and the breath of a camel. So after that harrowing experience and for the first time in 30 years, I began cutting my own hair to include shaving my own neck (hot lather and all) and I have never looked back.

My advice to the OP, buy yourself a set of Wahl professional grade clippers and the accompanying guards and learn to cut your own hair. My clippers have paid for themselves 10 times over just in the last few months. My "barber shop" is open 24/7 with no waiting, no attitudes, no d-nozzles to contend with and certainly no hipsters.

I'm both my best customer and the top Quality Control Inspector. Hell, I was just (self) ISO 9001 certified and I use Barbicide and Clippercide in my shop/bathroom too. I've cut hair for friends and can fade like a champ. My wife says that I am giving better haircuts to myself with a mirror than I have ever received from some so-called professional barber.



Needs milk and a bidet!
a 3 week waiting list? I can't imagine that being true. when I call my barber I'm in need of a haircut ASAP, usually I get in that day or the next, or rarely the 3rd day. This has been the case at every barber shop I've ever been to and I've gone to 5 in my life.....wait does that sounds pretentious? :tongue_sm

So what do people do? they call when they need a haircut then wait 3 more weeks?

or do they make an appointment for 3 weeks out the same day they get a haircut?

Doesn't make sense to me. I think he was just upset you interrupted his conversation.

At any rate if I was ever told "I've got a 3 week waiting list" at a barber shop I'd do exactly what you did..look for another barber.
From "Married with Children".

AL: Don't you think I want to get a haircut, Peg? Do you think I like fat guys in granny glasses asking me if I like the new "Dead" album? But I'm trying to make a statement here. I'm saying let's not let the barber disappear. God knows they've taken everything else away from us in the so-called name of progress. They take the pinball machines and give you video games. What do I care if a monkey can make it to the top of a building? Unless he's going up there to throw off his wife - doesn't matter to me. I want flippers. I want steel balls. And I want my barber, damnit.
I moved to another part of town, and now i'm 25 minutes away from the barbershop that i was going to. So i was looking for another one.

About 5 months ago i went to a barbershop that's about 5 minutes from my place. I walk in, the people say hello and ask me if i want to put my name on the list, i say ok. 10 minutes later my name gets called, and i get one of best haircuts i've had a while (guy used a shavette and everything)

Fast forward about 2 months ago, i went back to the same place. I walk in and put my name on the list for the same guy that cut my hair last time. About 20 minutes go by and i'm the only one there. Just when i think i'm next. Two guys walk in and go to the guy that's supposed to cut my hair, and he starts giving one of them a haircut.

I get up and ask him why am i not next? i also ask if they had an appointment before me? he says no, but they are his friends and if i still want a haircut i'm gonna have to wait until he's done cutting their hair.

I tell him then what's the point in having the waiting list if they're not gonna honor it. And i walk out.
Wish I could even find one around me. I live in the land of great clips. The few I have found are run by the gangster yo crowd I don't wish to be around .
In my town we have a great selection of Old School Italian Barbers. Problem is they are getting old. Fewer and fewer every year. I think my barber Salvatore is getting a touch of the Parkinson's and I don't have the heart to tell him. My cuts are getting worse and boy howdy, when he pulls out the straight razor it is major pucker factor. I kid but it is truly sad.
I went to my usual barber today, had a great cut and quick service. There were two people in front of me and three more showed up while I was getting my cut. The first gentleman was more mature, but the rest of the patrons (myself included) all looked to be under thirty. It's nice to now that he has lots of business from the young generation.

The barber, Mike, is an older Italian gentleman too and speaks french, English and Italian which is pretty cool. I hope he doesn't retire too soon, there doesn't seem to be any great young up and coming barbers near me. That seems to be a pretty common problem in a lot of places though.

I moved to another part of town, and now i'm 25 minutes away from the barbershop that i was going to. So i was looking for another one.

About 5 months ago i went to a barbershop that's about 5 minutes from my place. I walk in, the people say hello and ask me if i want to put my name on the list, i say ok. 10 minutes later my name gets called, and i get one of best haircuts i've had a while (guy used a shavette and everything)

Fast forward about 2 months ago, i went back to the same place. I walk in and put my name on the list for the same guy that cut my hair last time. About 20 minutes go by and i'm the only one there. Just when i think i'm next. Two guys walk in and go to the guy that's supposed to cut my hair, and he starts giving one of them a haircut.

I get up and ask him why am i not next? i also ask if they had an appointment before me? he says no, but they are his friends and if i still want a haircut i'm gonna have to wait until he's done cutting their hair.

I tell him then what's the point in having the waiting list if they're not gonna honor it. And i walk out.

That is terrible, really unprofessional and just plain rude. When I worked in stores I always made a point of making sure to serve average customers before my friends, so that they did not feel ignored. Of curse part of that just seems like common sense and self preservation, because most boss would at least chew you out pretty, if no fire you on the spot for ignoring customers.
I went to my usual barber today, had a great cut and quick service. There were two people in front of me and three more showed up while I was getting my cut. The first gentleman was more mature, but the rest of the patrons (myself included) all looked to be under thirty. It's nice to now that he has lots of business from the young generation.

The barber, Mike, is an older Italian gentleman too and speaks french, English and Italian which is pretty cool. I hope he doesn't retire too soon, there doesn't seem to be any great young up and coming barbers near me. That seems to be a pretty common problem in a lot of places though.

That is terrible, really unprofessional and just plain rude. When I worked in stores I always made a point of making sure to serve average customers before my friends, so that they did not feel ignored. Of curse part of that just seems like common sense and self preservation, because most boss would at least chew you out pretty, if no fire you on the spot for ignoring customers.
I need to make my way to Montreal one of these days!
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