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Different technique for a few days growth?

I try to shave every other day, but sometimes I'll have a three-day weekend, a vacation, or some other earth-shattering even and I'll just skip a few days of shaving. I don't mind it, and my girlfriend actually says she likes the look of a few days of stubble.

When I inevitably have that first shave after a while, I have found that my first pass is slower, with much shorter, more deliberate strokes. I once spoke to Charles at Enchante, and (among other things) he mentioned that each day that you do not shave, the hairs actually increase in strength and thickness. I'm not sure if there's any truth to that, but I have noticed that the blade moves faster and easier when you shave a single day's growth, and not just because you have to rinse the blade less. Anyway, do you guys ever change up your technique slightly for the first shave back from a few days off?

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
It's just more hair to go through, and more passes to get down to the skin.

If you are a DE shaver, consider getting an open comb razor for plowing through accumulated growth.

I use a straight and I find that when I don't shave for a few days, the first shave is more likely to result in a boo-boo on XTG or ATG passes than when I shave daily. The WTG pass never gives me any prob. So, after playing hooky for a few days, I only make a good WTG pass on the first shave. The next day, I go the whole enchilada. You might try that. The concept should apply to DE as well as straight, I think.
The times when a few days go by is when I go hunting, camping or fishing. When I do shave a few days growth with a straight I don't really use a different technique while shaving but I spend more time prepping; it will be the only time I use a preshave, like Taylor's, just to soften the whiskers. I also lather my face and let it sit there for a while I strop or fill my coffee cup. I do notice that it does ease the blade in better than my normal routine of just face lathering.

As for blades, I don't really lean to wedges or larger blades but IMO they do make a difference than a 5/8.
No, there's no different technique involved. I do have to say, though, that I always get my very best shaves if I let my beard go for a few days :thumbup:
Having just had my 40th straight shave (woohoo :w00t:) I can't say that I've really noticed a change in my technique depending on growth as I'm still a newbie. Yes, it's more satisfying taking off 3/4 day's growth (as long as I've done an extended prep) but 1/2 day's makes it a bit easier on my face as I can get a DFS with just 3 passes....the extra growth needs an extra pass to get a totally clean shave and I'm still not getting my angle 100% consistent on my neck :blush:
No change in technique for me either. The shaves after a few days of growth actually turn out the best. I haven't figured out the reason for that though, but the first WTG pass turns out closer. This holds true regardless of whether I use DE or straight/shavette.
No change in technique for me. The only thing I usually do different in those situations is go for a mentholated soapor cream (which I love anyway) because it feels even colder on my skin when I'm shaving a few days growth.
Hi Hunter
No change in shave technique for me either...

Having said that, I do let 1 or 2 days growth on weekends (sometimes, not always)...I found that when skin has had a break for 1 or 2 days, the shave is smoother and a lot more enjoyable :thumbup1:. However IMHO, I don't think that it's the hair (or so much it's length) that's the culprit but rather the "shave break" your skin is getting for 1 or 2 days. It does make a BIG difference (to me, anyway. YMMV)

No, there's no different technique involved. I do have to say, though, that I always get my very best shaves if I let my beard go for a few days :thumbup:

Hi Hunter
No change in shave technique for me either...

Having said that, I do let 1 or 2 days growth on weekends (sometimes, not always)...I found that when skin has had a break for 1 or 2 days, the shave is smoother and a lot more enjoyable :thumbup1:. However IMHO, I don't think that it's the hair (or so much it's length) that's the culprit but rather the "shave break" your skin is getting for 1 or 2 days. It does make a BIG difference (to me, anyway. YMMV)


Bingo. I have a much easier time shaving after a day or two (or 4 ;) ) without a shave. I'm sure that my beard is not the reason, but rather that my skin is growing back and has healed from my scraping it with a sharp piece of metal.
Mondays are usually my best shave (not shaving on weekends)! It helps to have something to look forward to for the working week ahead. :thumbdown

Before I switched to DE/SE shaving, it would take a lot longer because the razor would get clogged up, but now it's smooth sailing. :thumbup:
My straight shaves are much easier than my DE shaves after days without a shave.

The term clog does not apply to a straight. It just drips off the back.
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