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Different Aftershave for different seasons ?

Hello everyone,

I am newbie in the wet shaving world. I have been contributing so far in the Cafe forum. I am feeling a little overwhelmed by all the options in the aftershave department.

Are there any rules of thumbs regarding which type of aftershave (milk, balm, cologne, something with alcohol, something without alcohol) works best depending on the season? My guess would be that milk types would probably be the least adapted for the hot/humid summer season.

Any thoughts/recommendations would be greatly appreciated. My hope is to pair the right aftershave for the right season.

Do people pair the same shaving soap/cream scent with the same aftershave scent? For example: D.R. Harris Arlington scented shave soap with the D.R. Harris Arlington aftershave milk/cologne.

If any of the above has already been dealt with in prior threads, please point me in the right directions.
If you browse this forum you'll see everyone has an opinion on this. No hard fast rules. Personally I go with lighter maybe floral scents in the spring and summer. Usually a splash. Arlington, Pink, La Toja, TOBS No. 74. Anything citrus. If the temps go above 90 I'm usually hitting the menthol pretty hard. Once fall comes along I like the darker, musky, heavier options through winter. Musk and leather come to mind. I like balms in the winter when it's cold and dry. I also have some favorites I use all year around so it's really up to you. Go with what you like.
Have to agree with Doghair. Often you'll see lighter scents for hotter weather, + the lower the temp drops the heavier or warmer the scent. Likewise with AS milks (hotter) and thicker AS balms (colder.) But the only rule is what works for yourself. Some guys find a scent and go with it year-round. Others switch up ever other day.
have to agree with doghair. Often you'll see lighter scents for hotter weather, + the lower the temp drops the heavier or warmer the scent. Likewise with as milks (hotter) and thicker as balms (colder.) but the only rule is what works for yourself. Some guys find a scent and go with it year-round. Others switch up ever other day.

If you browse this forum you'll see everyone has an opinion on this. No hard fast rules. Personally I go with lighter maybe floral scents in the spring and summer. Usually a splash. Arlington, Pink, La Toja, TOBS No. 74. Anything citrus. If the temps go above 90 I'm usually hitting the menthol pretty hard. Once fall comes along I like the darker, musky, heavier options through winter. Musk and leather come to mind. I like balms in the winter when it's cold and dry. I also have some favorites I use all year around so it's really up to you. Go with what you like.

Well said!

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