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Difference in older vs newer super speeds??

Is there any difference in shave quality between the older Gillette Super Speeds from the 1950's and back vs the 1960's models and forward? What's a good model year range to look for?
From what I've read on here, the late 40's SS was a milder shaver than later models.

The 60's flare tip was my first DE, and I followed it up with an undated 48-50 SS that did seem to shave a little less aggressively. I prefer the look of the 60's flare tip SS though, it just looks like what a DE razor should in my opinion.
What's a good model year range to look for?

It depends on what you're looking for. Those late '40's are nice, smooth shavers and seem to be coming off the shelf more often at my house. I'm sure somebody will chime in with a detailed view of the later 50's and early 60's SS's. Out of that stuff, my favorite is the 58 TV Special. Notably more aggressive than the late 40's SS. And I know it really doesn't shave any differently than most any other SS of that time period but there's something about those particular razors that I really like. I have a Fatboy that I started with. I find this to be pretty heavy and like to use it set at 6 if I've missed a day of shaving and want to get through some stubble. One of my all time favorites is a 70's long handle adjustable. Just a little less aggressive than the Fatboy and a fine shaver.

I'd point out that my observations are personal and made with Feather blades. Different blade brands in different razors can really change things up.

If I had to give up all my razors save one, I'd keep the late 40's SS.

Oh! Hey... Schick Krona. I know it's a little outside the question, but they're really nice shavers when used with sharp blades. :thumbup1:


I have a 40s SS and a 1959 SS. I really can't tell too much of a difference. The later model might be a bit more aggressive, but its nothing to hang your hat on.

I do prefer the 40s SS and consider it to be one of the finest all around classic shavers ever made. Its smooth and shaves like a dream
I have SSs from the 40s and 50s and I'd say that my Z-2 ('54) shaves a bit more aggressively than my '47 or no date code (48-51). Since it was mentioned earlier in this thread, I also have a '58 TV Special, and find it to be noticeably milder than any of my other SSs. Go figure.

You should be able to pick up a SS from the 40's or 50's on the B/S/T forum without spending a lot of $.
Yes there are many differences between early Superspeeds and later models. I wouldn't call one "more reliable" over the other...everyone has personal preferences.

For me, the later models (black handled 70s SS e.g.) is not quite as smooth as a 40s SS due to the differences in head shape, heft etc.
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