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difference betwwen styptic pencil and alum block?

Well, which one's better depends on what you want it for. The styptic is formulated to stop bleeding nicks. The alum block CAN stop very minor nicks, but it's mostly used as a post shave application. It can sting a little, but it gives you good feedback on where you pressed too hard, or went over an area too many times, or without enough lather. But generally, it has antiseptic properties that help with razor burn, and can also have a "cooling" effect and tighten your skin after. I think you should have both. I always use alum after a shave, and if I have a minor nick, I'll see if that's enough to stop it. If not, you have to bring in the big gun- the styptic. Alum will dry clear, but the styptic will leave a white smudge on your skin that you'll have to wash off once the bleeding has stopped.
Alum will dry clear, and some folks are content to leave it on the skin. Others prefer to gently, but thoroughly rinse it off.

I rinse it off, dry, then apply witch hazel. Let that dry, then apply aftershave.
I rinse it off, dry, then apply witch hazel. Let that dry, then apply aftershave.

Yup, that's what I do, too. More specifically, I rinse with warm water after the last pass. Then apply alum, and clean up my tools (rinse brush, put away soap/cream, rinse razor etc.) while it dries. Then cool water rinse, then witch hazel. While that dries, I finish other toiletry stuff like deoderant or fixing hair, then aftershave.

I wasn't so much suggesting leaving the alum on as I was pointing out that you WILL have to rinse off the styptic (if you are using the white pencil) or you'll spend the day looking like a bird pooped on your face! :biggrin1:

It should be noted LMAN007 that they also make styptic compounds in a liquid form that comes in a chapstick sized applicator with a roller ball at the end, and that stuff usually dries clear. They also make neat little matchbooks that have single use styptic "matches" that are perfect for travel.
The styptic look definitely has to go after it dries. I didn't have styptic at all for a while; I looked for it in the drugstore recently and saw styptic "swabs," in a slim plastic case, that look like Q-tips.

I've used one. They're handy for travel too, I suppose. The matchbooks sound cool.


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I use an alum at home but mainly to use as a "grip stick" for my hands before handling the razor before shaving. then if i get any weepers that don't stop after a cold rinse, i set the alum and use the corner to seal them.

I purchased a styptic pencil, but haven't had to use it yet. it will go in my travel bag, along with some alum matches, which i find handy as they are single use.

the alum to my face never felt good. it always left my face so tight feeling and not comfortable, even after rinse.

Not a fan of alum on my face. I finish with some soap/cream left on face during hardware clean up, cold rinse then Aftershave splash. no alum, no WH, works fine and much fewer steps.
I find the alum does what a styptic pen will do and then some, also, the pen I purchased fell apart from being run under the tap water. The block is a much better use of your money.
Well, which one's better depends on what you want it for. The styptic is formulated to stop bleeding nicks. The alum block CAN stop very minor nicks, but it's mostly used as a post shave application. It can sting a little, but it gives you good feedback on where you pressed too hard, or went over an area too many times, or without enough lather. But generally, it has antiseptic properties that help with razor burn, and can also have a "cooling" effect and tighten your skin after. I think you should have both. I always use alum after a shave, and if I have a minor nick, I'll see if that's enough to stop it. If not, you have to bring in the big gun- the styptic. Alum will dry clear, but the styptic will leave a white smudge on your skin that you'll have to wash off once the bleeding has stopped.

+1 Well said :thumbup1:

Yesterday's shave was a disaster, no need to recap BUT I had 3 nicjks for the 1st time in 15 months. So I finally got to use my $4 Osma Styptic Pencil for the 1st time and then the alum.

Alum gives me the feedback as Lurch655 stated, Styptic stops the blood :laugh:

Have any of you noticed that nicks stopped with styptic pencil leave marks or scars that are more prominent?
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