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Difference between two astra's

Hi Guys

I am looking on e-bay to get some bulk blades, gonna buy 100, I have seen a seller who sells 100 astra SP's for 11.50 shipped (which equals 9 euro), which is cool by me, however, he has two types, Astra Superior Premium (in an olive colored packet), and Astra (Blue) superior stainless, in a blue packet. Does anyone know how much these differ?

Thanks in advance.

Also, they have Sharks blades, which I have never got to try yet, would they be worth considering for next time maybe?

Cheers ;)
I have only used the Astra SP, so I can't comment on the differences in the SP and SS. But I do like Shark blades a lot.
Thanks for the info, I actually have never heard of the astra blue, so i shall stil with the sp, if the supplier is on the ball, I shall get the sharks next, have heard good stuff about those
thanks :)
I've only tried the Astra SS (blue pack). They were quite mild didn't give me any weepers, but I still felt a little more razor burn after the shave than I usually do with mild blades. The sharpness was just right for my hair-type, so if my skin had been just a little less sensitive they would have perfect for me.
A Superior Platinum blade is simply a Superior Stainless blade with a platinum coating.

Hope this helps.

A Superior Platinum blade is simply a Superior Stainless blade with a platinum coating.

Hope this helps.


That's true, but I wonder why there is usually a considerable price difference, especially since the platinum blades cost less. Anybody know?
The Astra SP blades have become my all time favorite blade lately. Nothing else I have tried manages their combination of sharpness and smooth, nick free shave in my favorite razors. Not even close... My collection of Feathers are there just for the look now.

I still try new blades, but at $9.05/100, including shipping from Amazon, it's no wonder that I now own over 400 Astra SP blades, with more to come until something bad happens on the production line. Even if I do find a better blade, the current Astra blades are so good that I can always count on a perfect shave from them many years from now...
The Astra SP blades have become my all time favorite blade lately. Nothing else I have tried managesbtheirbcombination of sharpness and smooth, nick free shave in my favorite razors. Not even close... My collection of Feathers are there just for the look now.

I still try new blades, but at $9.05/100, including shipping from Amazon, it's no wonder that I now own over 400 Astra SP blades, with more to come until something bad happens on the production line. Even if I do find a better blade, the current Astra blades are so good that I can always count on a perfect shave from them many years from now...

Ditto. Great price, easy to obtain, efficacious. A winner by all measures for me.
The "SP" stands for 'Superior Platinum". I prefer SP over the blue ones.
SP gives smoother shaves, esp in R41,

Over here we can't get the SP locally (unfortunately) but the blue ones are available locally for ~ SGD8 a hundred.
I have 100 both, use and like both. Like stated above platinum coating vs plain. Both are quite equal, smooth cuts nice. Not on my top list but for smooth cheap still nicely cutting blades they will stay on my stock. Slight feeling that SP is a bit softer that SS. Same feeling like shaving carbon straight against stainless straight. Anyway minimal differencies and did I already said....like them both.
Stick with the Astra SP. The Astra SS is not as smooth and just does not feel as good as the SP.

You don't mention which Sharks you looked at. Sharks Super Chrome are, IMHO, far better than the Sharks Super Stainless.

Stick with Astra SP, it is a very good blade. Sharks Super Chrome are very good also.
i love the astra SS they are second on the ladder for how smooth they shave

the SP's arnt as smooth but they are a good blade. its depends on the person
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