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Did Probak use glue/wax on their blades like the Russians?

I received two Probak blades in a blade case that came along with an Old Type I bought. The blades were stuck together and when I pried them apart
I found spots on each corner, foreground blade. I rubbed off the upper right corner trying to figure out what it was and to see if it seemed
similar to the glue/wax that is on Russian blades. It seemed very similiar.
From what I read, Probak was aligned with Gillette and then started his own company in the 1920's and 30's I believe.
Any blade historians around?

$Probak Blade (1 of 1).jpg
Looks like it. The early Probak advertising focused on improving the blade edge by eliminating vibration, so this might have been part of that idea. The company was started by Henry Gaisman, who also invented the Auto Strop razor. He ended up running Gillette after a nasty patent fight.



I have also seen NOS "Made in England" Personna blades with wax or something right on the blade edge, too.
Thank you much for the information. Nice theory about the glue/wax as shock absorbers, maybe that's what the Russians are trying to do also, LOL. Saw an inexpensive NOS pack of Probak Juniors and am thinking of snagging them just to place in the blade case with the Old Type.

Looks like it. The early Probak advertising focused on improving the blade edge by eliminating vibration, so this might have been part of that idea. The company was started by Henry Gaisman, who also invented the Auto Strop razor. He ended up running Gillette after a nasty patent fight.



I have also seen NOS "Made in England" Personna blades with wax or something right on the blade edge, too.
Not all of them had the dots, for sure. You post made me unwrap a Probak I've had sitting around. Underneath the paper envelope and the waxed-paper sheath, there are no wax spots. I think I'll shave with it tomorrow (it looks a lot fresher than your picture)!

Many of my NOS English Wilks have the spots, and a '66 Gillette Thin I used a couple weeks ago had them also.
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