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Did I get too good a deal?

Just did a trade with Rob from Texas and I just wanted to check he hasn't accidentally conned himself a little. I sent him an immacualate, 5 months old chrome Slant in the cardboard box and in return I received a very nearly mint H3 SLim Adjustable without case- the shading of the numbers is uniform, but not jet-black like I've seen in some pics, possibly as a result of my cleaning with fairy liquid and a soft brush and the chroming is flawless. What you think guys? Should I send him a little something extra?
Do you feel that you did too well out of the deal? If so do what your conscience tells you... obviously you're uneasy or you'd not have posted :smile:
Do you feel that you did too well out of the deal? If so do what your conscience tells you... obviously you're uneasy or you'd not have posted :smile:

+1 I say just ask him. If he thinks it was fair it was fair, if he thinks not maybe you should do more. There are great people all over the B&B I'd say all you have to do is ask.
Well Rob knows what he sent me and how much a slant is, but I didn't know how much a slim is, so I thought I'd check. If it'd been a ball-end Tech or something that'd've been fine, or a cased, mint, Aristo'd've be unequivocal the other way but I was a little unsure if there was a good guideline price for the slim?
You could put something you can get easily here that he probably can't (Palmolive, Erasmic, Ingrams, that kind of thing) - in a jiffy bag, send it surface, don't tell him what's in... it'll be like a late "secret Santa" :smile: with the Russian Roulette appeal of not knowing when it'll land either :lol:
That'd be cool. Will have a wee think and send him something in the new year- no way its getting to him in time for Xmas now. I'm assuming he'll catch this thread as well and maybe and his own comment. 'S a bit funny, but I wanted to query this in public so to speak.
Thanks everyone
I got a clean slim adj for $6. I'd say you got the bad end of the deal!

In the end, if Rob was happy and you're happy then both of you stay happy. Send Rob a Christmas Card telling him how happy you are with your razor!
I have traded Slims in excellent condition for items which may be conceived as being worth less than a Slim, but felt good about it because what I got in return was something I really wanted. A couple of months back I traded a very nice Slim to a fine gentleman for a Milord which had a nickel handle to go along with the gold head. He had it listed for $25, I think. Well, I had been wanting to get my hands on one to try to figure out how the mismatch came about. He was wanting a Slim for his son-in-law. It worked for both. Although, I was surprised to find a pack of Wilkinson Sword blades and a new Puck of C&E Siena SS in the package that arrived. :biggrin:
One man's trash is another man's treasure! If he does not complain, don't worry about it. Your sentiment is very commendable and people like you make this a great Forum. Thanks.
I think this is a fair deal - otherwise both parties wouldn't have agreed to it.

I bought my slim for $3 and, after some light cleaning, it was in similar condition to what you've described - but I took a gamble, it could have been garbage.

I wouldn't worry about this - you're both big boys and I don't think there's any issues.
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