I have long wondered the reasoning between the different colored Escher stones and the prices. I saw an old add on this forum for Escher's back in the early 1900's showing that the Y/G was the highest priced and the Dark Blue was the lowest. First of all, I think the performance is the same throughout the colors. What I think is different, is the hardness. My theory is what determined the pricing was the ease of extracting the Thuringian from the Earth. I think that the Y/G was deepest in the Earth, also explaining it being the softest and highest priced, and Dark Blue being closest to the surface making it the hardest and lowest priced. What made me think of that is I was looking at my Y/G Escher and saw that the bottom half was a little darker than the top half. That would explain why my Y/G doesn't look quite as Y/G as some others I have seen online, but mine is a Y/G nonetheless. So what I think is my Y/G is closer to the meeting of Light Green than other Y/G's that are farther away of in it's own color. Below is a visual I made. This is just a theory I have and could very well be wrong. I look forward to see what you guys think.