I've been reading blade reviews for two days and have concluded that blade choice is very personal and has a lot to do with an individual's face. There was no way to find what was generally considered the top blade.
I then started looking for the blade review with the most comments and it seems to be Derby.
What accounts for this? Was Derby the hot blade before the Feather came along since more people commented on it than any other blade? Or, perhaps, is Derby the subconscious choice of the most people.
Also, the Derby and the Feather seem to be the standard by which more blades are measured against than others.
I've been using Gillette 7 O'clock super stainless and have been quite satisfied but this inner voice keeps saying "Buy Derby".
I then started looking for the blade review with the most comments and it seems to be Derby.
What accounts for this? Was Derby the hot blade before the Feather came along since more people commented on it than any other blade? Or, perhaps, is Derby the subconscious choice of the most people.
Also, the Derby and the Feather seem to be the standard by which more blades are measured against than others.
I've been using Gillette 7 O'clock super stainless and have been quite satisfied but this inner voice keeps saying "Buy Derby".