In the past I found that Derby extra blades worked for me. They gave me very smooth hassle free shaves. Recently I bought a carton of 100 blades here in Sydney, Australia and my shaving routine has been thrown into disarray. I have opened over 10 packets at random and each blade performs the same with a scraping motion frequently catching hairs which leaves my face a bloody mess. I have used 4 different razors each with the same results. I should note that these are the supposedly good 'horizontal' Derbys as well.
I sent an email to Derby outlining my concerns and listing the batch number on the box. I really hope they are serious about rectifying this situation. I understand that this hasn't happened to every user but like I said I used to be a big fan of Derby's. I don't think I was unlucky to get a dud batch. It seems that many wetshavers have experienced the same issues and that Derby does have a serious quality control problem. Hopefully Derby will do something to restore the goodwill that once existed for some of it's customers. I don't claim to speak for all Derby users as obviously they can make an excellent blade. I just wish I never bought 100 of their bad ones.
I sent an email to Derby outlining my concerns and listing the batch number on the box. I really hope they are serious about rectifying this situation. I understand that this hasn't happened to every user but like I said I used to be a big fan of Derby's. I don't think I was unlucky to get a dud batch. It seems that many wetshavers have experienced the same issues and that Derby does have a serious quality control problem. Hopefully Derby will do something to restore the goodwill that once existed for some of it's customers. I don't claim to speak for all Derby users as obviously they can make an excellent blade. I just wish I never bought 100 of their bad ones.