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Decisions, decisions...

I'm trying to decide (and receive) a first 'considered' brush before Xmas, any help appreciated.

I started a few months ago with a Vulfix 849. Good beginners brush, soft, but floppy (I've O ringed it and it's a bit better), and I'm face lathering with soaps mostly, so I'm drawn to soft and more dense brushes that have some backbone. Size-wise the Vulfix is fine, and is roughly = to Rooney 1/2 & 3/1. I don't want to go too big on the loft, as the 849 is already big, but that could be it's floppyiness.

I've been set on a Rooney, as it seems to fit the bill. But Shavemacs are also well regarded and priced better, but in shorter supply.

At the moment my choice appears a Rooney 1/2 or 3/2 Supers, or Shavemac 25 Finest. Pro's and Con's? Any others worth considering?

I'm in Aus, so can only buy from WCS or Classic shaving, as VB won't ship, so my choice of Rooney's is limited, as CS don't have any 3/1s. I want to keep it around $100, so that rules out Simpsons, I reckon.

EDIT: I've had a D'oh moment and realised my local go-to vendor has T&H Wellington's. These are the rebranded Rooney's, I think. It says the badger is Super, so are these the Silvertips?

THanks any and all.
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I have a Rooney 3/1 and it is a great brush - it is a must have IMO ( bought from CS). Others on B&B highly recommend the 2/1 super as well. Shavemacs are good brushes. I was going to buy a 25 in silvertip, but got a penworks instead. Hope this helps.
I have the Rooney 3/1 in super. I have two other brushes and it produces the best lather by far. If you can find one, I highly recommend it.
Thanks all.

My local vendor does have the T&H Rooneys. Only the 1s though, but a 1/2 is going to be similar to a 3/1, so I'm going to go with that.

With all the talk of shedders on the other thread, they'll look after me anything goes wrong, and they're local.
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