Having had some fun seeing Chip's reaction to my cooking peccadilloes, how about a new thread posting your "go-to" favourites or off-the-cuff kitchen madness?
I will begin with the breakfasts this weekend. I have some time on my hands, due to a little motorcycle fall, so I've spent some time in the kitchen.
Today, I got out the BACON (little nod to the bacon lovers)
Sasquatch Sandwich
"Sasquatch" sourdough based grain bread with:
2 rashers of bacon, pan cooked with garlic paste and sage
Topped with:
Nine year old cheddar
Danish Blue
Sweet (cocktail) pickled onion slices
Thai sweet chili sauce
The SigFem looks at me like I'm eating a live spider, so I made her:
Banana Muffin French Toast
2 banana muffins, halved by cutting off the tops (I make better banana bread but her baking skills are otherwise much superior to mine)
1 egg
Heavy Cream
Glort of vanilla
Smidge of cinnamon
Drizzle of honey
Beat these together with a fork in a shallow bowl. When you're ready to go, give the muffin halves a good soaking, top and bottom.
Finely chopped almonds
Very soft butter
Blend these together and let the butter set back up.
Orange marmalade
Pan cook the soaked muffins. Some people say only flip once but I use softer heat and make sure things are cooked through, so I flip repeatedly. Light brown cooked sides on soft heat is pretty much done.
Serve them up with the almond butter and marmalade on the side.
Goes without saying that there's plenty of coffee on hand
- John
I will begin with the breakfasts this weekend. I have some time on my hands, due to a little motorcycle fall, so I've spent some time in the kitchen.
Today, I got out the BACON (little nod to the bacon lovers)
Sasquatch Sandwich
"Sasquatch" sourdough based grain bread with:
2 rashers of bacon, pan cooked with garlic paste and sage
Topped with:
Nine year old cheddar
Danish Blue
Sweet (cocktail) pickled onion slices
Thai sweet chili sauce
The SigFem looks at me like I'm eating a live spider, so I made her:
Banana Muffin French Toast
2 banana muffins, halved by cutting off the tops (I make better banana bread but her baking skills are otherwise much superior to mine)
1 egg
Heavy Cream
Glort of vanilla
Smidge of cinnamon
Drizzle of honey
Beat these together with a fork in a shallow bowl. When you're ready to go, give the muffin halves a good soaking, top and bottom.
Finely chopped almonds
Very soft butter
Blend these together and let the butter set back up.
Orange marmalade
Pan cook the soaked muffins. Some people say only flip once but I use softer heat and make sure things are cooked through, so I flip repeatedly. Light brown cooked sides on soft heat is pretty much done.
Serve them up with the almond butter and marmalade on the side.
Goes without saying that there's plenty of coffee on hand

- John