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dealing with sweatiness without aluminum

Try technical sports shirts that have special materials like silver woven in to reduce bacteria growth. I saw some from lululemon.com awhile back. There are also these copper infused socks from Copper Sole that are supposed to prevent odour. I haven't tried these products but I thought I would mention it.

I have worn icebreaker.com shirts which are made of merino wool that keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter and prevents odour. You can wear them for quite a bit before you need laundering. I didn't find that to be true for me but it did help with the heat and there was less odour. I love the designs and shirts but then so did moths. You have to launder it quickly or else moths will get at it but it can be easily rinsed and it dries in 30 minutes in warm weather.

I found that bamboo and soy materials worked better for me as by their nature they are a few degrees cooler than cotton. I found that they wicked moisture from the skin better and did not retain odour. I got lots of shirts from HT Naturals which used to distribute bamboo, soy and hemp clothes. You can also get them at shirtsofbamboo.com
I switched all my towels, bedding, undergarments to soy or bamboo. It's incredible stuff!

I am testing silk next as but silk things seem really hard to find or are expensive and skimpy:ohmy:but I got some items but haven't gotten to launder them yet. I think the laundering care might be detrimental to wearing them often.

The best discovery so far is using Nature's Miracle pet stain remover on my sweat stained shirts. I had a bottle left after my cat recently passed away and read some laundry tip on using it on clothes. You can put a bit on and wait till it dries before laundering or do it after you have laundered. I prefer to do it after so I use less product and it removes stains as well.

Using deodorants with glycerin in it made my sweating worse. Glycerin attracts moisture so I don't know how it helps in a deodorant. I would think something like a baking soda or kaolin would be better in a natural deodorant. I really like the Funk Butter from oyinhandmade.com but some people have reacted to the baking soda. It controls odours incredibly well but their ship times can be so long because they make it when ordered. I once ordered way before I would run out but it took about 4-6 weeks to reach me and I did run out!

I have tried these deodorants but am not crazy about the scents but they are natural and work great: Lavanila, Lush, Crystal spray, Oyin Funk Butter,

Hope this helps!
I just went to shirtsofbamboo.com and it looks like they are closing up shop. A banner reads not accepting web orders call for bulk order of remaining inventory. It's a shame if they are closing. Had I known of them sooner I would have ordered.
I just went to shirtsofbamboo.com and it looks like they are closing up shop. A banner reads not accepting web orders call for bulk order of remaining inventory. It's a shame if they are closing. Had I known of them sooner I would have ordered.

Dang, too bad, I love the bamboo robe I got from them. So soft and never smelly from not drying properly.

You can try www.efforts.ca
www.thehempest.com they have more hemp stuff which has the same properties as bamboo but it's not as soft
Mennen Speed Stick has no aluminum (unless they've changed the formulation since the last time I looked). I've used it for years for that reason.
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