Yesterday morning I was a bit cramped for time so after showering I decided to try my wifes can of Palmolive Sensitive foam.
I put a splash of cold water on my face and applied the foam to my face. I did take my time to work in into the whiskers and then I picked up my Schick Krona and started shaving. After my first WTG pass I reapplied and did my usual second modified ATG pass and was done. It did not feel as slick as properly lathered cream or soap but it certainly did feel a lot more skin-neutral than the latest Gillette goop.
Result: A nice DFS but my skin did feel a little dryer than I am used to (but still no necessity to use AS) and I usually get closer in the neck area.
This morning (for the first time in over a year) I picked up a multiblade cart. My dad gave me his old special razor handle which had the generic slide in fit like Gillette Trac/GII razors. I bought cheap generic store brand carts without lubra strip. This was my first shave with a non pivoting multiblade cart in my life.
After showering I face lathered Palmolive soap and did my usual 2 pass with the cart razor. I must admit that I was amazed with the feel afterwards. For most of my face on par with a good DE shave. The parts that were not were probably caused by my angle. Most importantly, zero irritation. Something that I never experienced before with a multiblade.
Todays result certainly felt better than yesterdays so (for me!) it's quite clear that good prep and a decent cart work better than a DE and a can.
My last experience with multiblade carts were in late 2011 when I tried the Proglide and a Croma 3 blade razor. The Croma having the edge but still tugged too much. I think 95% of my nice shave this moring were due to the experience I gained by going back to basics with a single blade and learning which prep works for me.
DE's and SE's will certainly remain my go to razors but the simple non pivoting twin blade did impress me. I might actually prefer it over the Guard (great travel razor but the pivot takes away part of the feel) but the jury is still out on that.
I put a splash of cold water on my face and applied the foam to my face. I did take my time to work in into the whiskers and then I picked up my Schick Krona and started shaving. After my first WTG pass I reapplied and did my usual second modified ATG pass and was done. It did not feel as slick as properly lathered cream or soap but it certainly did feel a lot more skin-neutral than the latest Gillette goop.
Result: A nice DFS but my skin did feel a little dryer than I am used to (but still no necessity to use AS) and I usually get closer in the neck area.
This morning (for the first time in over a year) I picked up a multiblade cart. My dad gave me his old special razor handle which had the generic slide in fit like Gillette Trac/GII razors. I bought cheap generic store brand carts without lubra strip. This was my first shave with a non pivoting multiblade cart in my life.
After showering I face lathered Palmolive soap and did my usual 2 pass with the cart razor. I must admit that I was amazed with the feel afterwards. For most of my face on par with a good DE shave. The parts that were not were probably caused by my angle. Most importantly, zero irritation. Something that I never experienced before with a multiblade.
Todays result certainly felt better than yesterdays so (for me!) it's quite clear that good prep and a decent cart work better than a DE and a can.
My last experience with multiblade carts were in late 2011 when I tried the Proglide and a Croma 3 blade razor. The Croma having the edge but still tugged too much. I think 95% of my nice shave this moring were due to the experience I gained by going back to basics with a single blade and learning which prep works for me.
DE's and SE's will certainly remain my go to razors but the simple non pivoting twin blade did impress me. I might actually prefer it over the Guard (great travel razor but the pivot takes away part of the feel) but the jury is still out on that.