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De Vergulde Hand Question

So I scored a puck of De Vergulde hand a few weeks back. I gave it a go only to find that it irritated my face. I applied the lather and it felt a bit tingly. Wiped off the lather to find red blotches on my face. :blushing:

Has anyone else run into this issue with De Vergulde Hand?
I haven't had the problem, tho I used the cream many years ago (and not since). But, it sounds like you're having an allergic reaction to something in the soap.
More than likely. I have a few products that cause a similar reaction: Gold Dachs and T&H 1805.

Oh well. At least the Royal Saunders is fine by me.
Okay, so I am not alone. Thanks.

Too bad for me because I liked the scent and was hoping for a solid addition to the den.
No you are not alone but I found it got better after a few shaves. I suspect it is the oxidized form of the preservative that causes the problem because some other soaps have the same preservative and I get the same reaction. The preservative is ortho tolyl biguanide or something like that.
I have had the same problem. A shame, I found the lather to be extremely slick. If your face doesn't agree with a product pass on to another one. There are so many wonderful soaps out there.


"Proper Bob"
I went through a puck of this some years ago and it is a pretty good soap, inexpensive too. Too bad it doesn't work for you.
I have an unused puck at home, I can't see I will ever use it considering I have many superior soaps. I did visit a Dutch Italian barber for a traditional shave, he used DVH and the local Fresh Up after shave, and I did experience irritation too :mad3: .
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I live in holland and for both my dad in Milwaukee and me this is our favorite soap. A pity you couldn't use it. Best regards.
I liked the scent a lot but it burned on my face. I recently tried the cream, same nice scent, but I still got a mild burning sensation. Too bad. Did I mention I really liked the scent though?
I didn't like this soap at all.

I really wanted too, and went to great lengths to get it, but it wasn't even mediocre, it was bad.
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