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DE Shaving....in the shower. How?

Hey folks, I am a recent DE convert and I have question that has been bothering me.

For the past 15 years, I've been shaving with the latest Gillette multi-blade product in the shower. For the most part, it's been working. The warm water and steam really help my face prepare for the shaving. I am now off that Gillette merry-go-round and ready to save money AND get a better shave.

Now that I've entered the world of DE shaving, I can't quite figure the best way to shave in the shower. I don't want drag a bunch of stuff in the shower (bowl, brush, pre-shave oil etc. etc.) but I think I'd get better results in that warm humid environment.

So, on to the question: What do B&B members think of DE shaving in the shower? Does anyone do it? Can you shave best practices?

Thanks in advance.
I don't do it in the shower because 1) I have nimble fingers and would likely drop my razor and damage it in the process 2) from what i've seen of my wife's lady gillette, the blades rust a lot faster in the shower. when I shave over the sink I never have problems with blade rusting. but then again, my wife doesn't take care of hers 3) when i'm handling a DE razor I need to see what i'm doing in the mirror. I can't get that in the shower because there's just way too much steam.

if i'm in a hurry i'll bust out my fusion and shave in the shower, but I prefer shaving with the DE razor over the sink, before or after a shower
I can't get that in the shower because there's just way too much steam.

I don't shave in the shower, so I don't know how helpful this method of fog reduction will be for such large amounts of steam, but here goes...

Back in college I took a scuba class. To prevent our masks from fogging up, we would spit on them. Yes, spit on them, and smear it around. It works on my bathroom mirror too (I don't like to turn on the vent fan until I'm fully dressed and warm).
I'm a shower shaver. I bought the mirror from Lee's, and whenever it fogs up a bit, I just splash some water on it.

In the shower I keep a metal bowl (stored upside down) and my mama bear soap which has a screw on plastic top so I don't have to worry about water splashing it when my wife is in there. I keep those on one of those corner spring loaded tension rod type shelving units. I keep my brush and razor outside of the shower, and just bring them in with me.

I fill the bowl, and add some water to the soap, wash and when I'm ready, so is my shaving stuff. Not really all that hard. This is all in a rather small shower stall, so you don't need a luxury bathroom to accomodate. I don't have a vent in my shower, and the warm steam certainly helps me get a better shave.

When done I wash out my brush and razor in the sink and dry them both before putting them away. I've never had trouble with rusting.
I shave in the shower only when rushed for time. It is faster than any other method. I use canned goo and a multi-blade razor. No mirror, just braille method, and a quick 3 pass to catch all the holidays. It's not enjoyable, relaxing or particularly close, but gets the job done in about 3 minutes including clean up. Clean up? Oh.. there is none :)
Thanks so far for the tips. I may give it a try..right not the thought of an expensive DE razor and brush has me pretty concerned. One move and those things can hit the tile floor of the shower and get destroyed.
Minimally--a razor -a mirror and some sort of face lube should do it,

The first 2 are pretty much set--the 3rd is open to experimentation

For the record---I shave before the shower---as I prefer the clean smell to the scented whore smell---(puttin the flame suit on now)--thats why I don't really care what soaps or creams I use--the cheaper the better---VDH pucks seem a good fit for me,

For the SSS---the shower last---cures the evils of the first 2 SS's

Most DE's are $50 or less---not that expensive at all when you consider 2 pkg's of Fusion carts are basically the same money---and you throw those away.
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I would recommend a ShowerTek mirror...it attaches to your shower arm and allows warm water to run down the back of the mirror keeping it fog free...bc of this the mirror does not have any coating that will eventually wear off and stays fog free. I would also recommend face latherting as you do not need a separate bowl in the shower to make your lather...plus face latheting is just nicer IMO. The shower shave is nice though as your face is preped by the steam and there is no clean up with the exception of rinsing out the brush and razor.

+1 to shaving in the shower.
A very pleasant experience with great results.

A first decision is to start face lathering - or I might better say jar lathering.
That is loading the brush directly on the soap jar and applying and building your lather straight to the face. I personally do not care much for bowl or scuttle lathering, anyway, but I guess your point of bringing a lot of stuff into the shower cabin makes a lot of sense. So skip the bowl.

Plastic jars, such as Mama Bears and Prairie Creations and storage containers, are perfect for the shower cabin.
But I also use my wooden bowls without any problem.

My brushes and razors are on a shelf or the shower door window frame.
I have a couple of brushes so I make sure there's a rotation going on to make sure they dry after one or two shaves if necessary.
The blades I dry also, which I think is no difference from non-shower shaving.

I do not use specific razors; a knurled handle such as the one with my Gillette New or the Muhle R41 seems as good as a slick one such as the R106.
I do without a mirror, and that seems to work fine.

On your concern of dropping things; it never happened in the shower to me.
The one or two times I dropped things (I remember my beloved Winter Grapefruit bowl) it was when grabbing it from an overloaded den.
Just take care, just as you would do when shaving by the sink.

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While it is not my currently preferred method, I don't have any problems with shower shaving. I keep my shaving gear outside the shower, and dry it well after the shower. I have not had any problems with a blade or razor corrosion.

I picked up this mirror a couple of months ago: http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=16340316&RN=182&KSKU=118935&

I turn the water pressure way down while I'm shaving. There is just enough to rinse the razor. This mirror has not fogged up on me yet. So far, I haven't had any flaking of the reflective paint on the mirror surface, but like I said I haven't had it for very long.
yeah, i had like 20 diferent fogless mirrors, they all sucked. the coating on them washes out after a while

This one doesn't use a coating as you can read in the article.

It has a reservoir (patented) behind an acrylic mirror that you fill with hot water.
In the colder months I shower shave. There's really nothing to it and you can get nearly as good a shave as over the sink, spending time. At some point in the shower I'll just soap up my face or use a good brushless cream like the Body Shop's Maca Root cream, get out the handheld mirror, and shave with the other hand. Unfortunately this means no tugging or pulling with a free hand, but you can't have it all.
Hope this is ok, but since everyone's talking about shower shaving - do any of you wear eyeglasses? I'm very near-sighted, and that's the main reason I don't shave in the shower. I don't wear my eyeglasses in the shower, and I honestly couldn't see 1 foot in front of me to see the mirror.
Hey folks, I am a recent DE convert and I have question that has been bothering me.

For the past 15 years, I've been shaving with the latest Gillette multi-blade product in the shower. For the most part, it's been working. The warm water and steam really help my face prepare for the shaving. I am now off that Gillette merry-go-round and ready to save money AND get a better shave.

Now that I've entered the world of DE shaving, I can't quite figure the best way to shave in the shower. I don't want drag a bunch of stuff in the shower (bowl, brush, pre-shave oil etc. etc.) but I think I'd get better results in that warm humid environment.

So, on to the question: What do B&B members think of DE shaving in the shower? Does anyone do it? Can you shave best practices?

Thanks in advance.

I shave in the shower and face lather. I have my brush, pre-shave and shaving cream, a mirror and the razor. The mirror I use is hand held so I run it under the water when it gets foggy.
I have that Ace fogless mirror...and it works great. The little reservoir in the back is genius. You slide the mirror out of the bracket that is suction cupped to the wall, fill 'er up under the shower head and you're in business.
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