I've been wet shaving with a safety razor for a few weeks now. I've had good shaves and I've had shaves where I've nicked my neck to pieces. Overall, my shaves have been a positive experience...DFS most of the time, a few BBS a couple times. I had actually forgotten what a shave with a cartridge razor (Gillete Fusion pro-glide or something like that and some goo in a can) feels like. So, during my shower this morning, I gave my old cartridge and canned gel a try. Fair enough shave. Not as close as a safety razor gets. But when I splashed on my aftershave, I noticed more of a burn than I get with the safety razor. I'm gonna wait until mid-day and see how my stubble is. With the safety razor, I go a good portion of the day without having a 5 o'clock shadow. I'm betting by 1pm or so, I can feel some stubble.