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DE Safety Razor vs Cartridge razor: My comparison

I've been wet shaving with a safety razor for a few weeks now. I've had good shaves and I've had shaves where I've nicked my neck to pieces. Overall, my shaves have been a positive experience...DFS most of the time, a few BBS a couple times. I had actually forgotten what a shave with a cartridge razor (Gillete Fusion pro-glide or something like that and some goo in a can) feels like. So, during my shower this morning, I gave my old cartridge and canned gel a try. Fair enough shave. Not as close as a safety razor gets. But when I splashed on my aftershave, I noticed more of a burn than I get with the safety razor. I'm gonna wait until mid-day and see how my stubble is. With the safety razor, I go a good portion of the day without having a 5 o'clock shadow. I'm betting by 1pm or so, I can feel some stubble.
When I first came back to DE shaving, (I'm old enough that I started shaving with a DE razor. There was no cartridge razor.) Once I found the right blade, I loved DE shaving. Before that I was using a Trac II razor. I was always happy with the Trac II. I liked the fact that it does not pivot like the other cartridge.
For my DE razor I was using the Merkur 34c, a great razor. I would compare shaves often at first to see which one was better. I have to admit they were pretty close. I just enjoy using my DE more.
It's almost noon here and I have noticed significantly more hair growth on my face and especially my neck than I get when I shave with my safety razor. My neck is also still fairly irritated.
I too have been shaving with my DE for about a month, my experience with quality of shaves mimics yours for the most part. I've had good shaves bad shaves, nicks and razor burn but the learning and experience has been fun. With cartridge razors though it was never fun, it always felt like a chore and I always had razor burn. I really think that the multiple dull blades of cartridge razors are the culprit of that. I think the main difference for me with my DE has been that I want to shave now, and I actually like shaving and the challenges that come with it. I haven't used my cartridge razor since I got my DE, I shave every other day but since I don't have to be clean shaven for anything if I don't have the time for a DE shave I just don't shave and go scruffy for a day or two. So all in all I think I'm on my way to being a full convert. Oh and by noon with a cartridge I always had stubble with my DE baby but smooth most of the day :thumbup:.
I get good shaves with the DE and good shaves with my sensor...Turns out, whatever I use, I feel the whiskers the next day and need a shave. More fun with the DE but more time consuming.
I don't find the Fusion to give me a particularly good shave. I do find that the twin blade carts like the Trac II or the Sensor give me a noticeably closer shave than a DE does without irritation or razor burn. In fact, irritation is much less of a problem with twin blade carts than it is with DE razors for me. I have a heavy beard, and my shaves last much longer with the Trac II than they do with a DE.

I also find that a good soap and a brush work much better than most canned goo as well.
No contest for me: My straight razor shaves are marginally better than my DE shaves, which are far superior to my old Gillette Sensor shaves. And my shave ritual is a lot more enjoyable...and my face actually stays smoother longer in the day than with the cartridges. My soaps are so much better on my face than the canned goo I was using.

Additionally, my skin feels softer and healthier than it ever was before I started using these traditional techniques. At my age, well...I wish I had started shaving this way when I was a much younger man!
I only do one and a half passes when I shave. I always get a closer shave with a 3 to 5 blade cartridge razor than with DE. But after three days or so of using cartridge, I notice slight bumps and possibly a very tiny pimple or two on my chin, and then I have to go back to either DE or electric for it to recover.

But the DE razor gives me a better shave than electric did, so it doesn't concern me that cartridge razors may give me a closer shave than DE with my minimalist number of passes.


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I also find I can get just as close a shave with my Trac II cartridge as with a DE razor. As far as irritation goes, it depends on how aggressive the DE razor is. If I use a Merkur head like on the 34c model, it's about the same end result as with my Trac II. I just enjoy using the DE a little more.

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Doing the first pass with a Trac II, and the remaining pass(es) with a DE leads to superior shave results.

Don't bother with modern cartridges. The Trac was the best cartridge razor Gillette ever made.
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