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DE razor storage

Most of my small collection of razors are vintage Gillettes, and the majority came to me without cases. Just wondering how others store their caseless pieces. Some of mine are sitting handles down in mugs, and a few are just in plastic bags. After all the time I put into cleaning and polishing them, I sometimes wish I had some "generic" razor cases to keep them in.
Most of my small collection of razors are vintage Gillettes, and the majority came to me without cases. Just wondering how others store their caseless pieces. Some of mine are sitting handles down in mugs, and a few are just in plastic bags. After all the time I put into cleaning and polishing them, I sometimes wish I had some "generic" razor cases to keep them in.

i store mine in a wooden toothbrush rack like this:


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in a paper towel-lined shoebox lid.
Fits 20+
the rest of stuff inside shoebox.
(and on sheleves in bedreoom and 2 bathrooms)
@Ojinsa where did you find those wooden tooth brush holders? @Ack that is a nice rotation you have going there.
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I got them at the Container Store. My wife is an organizer so she drags me with her shopping there from time to time.
I took blocks of wood, cut them into 2" x 2" x 3" chunks, sand down all of the sides, drill a hole in the top of all of them (but not too deep), and lacquer the wood. I'm thinking of making a long one that'll hold multiple, rather than 1 stand per razor, but as of right now I have 4 stands for 4 razors.
I bought an art case and had it filled with foam specifically cut for each razor. It's beautiful and works perfectly for me.
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