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De razor blades trend

I start this topic in order to find your thoughts and knowledge regarding the future of the DE razor blades. Do you think that this "old" but stylish way of wet shaving will disappear in the following years? :w00t: Do you believe that the future is related to those annoying disposable razors (as we are a consumer society)? What is the actual trend, gents??? :blush:
As everything else DE blades are bound to disappear one day or another. But I don't expect it to happen in my or my kids life-time. Too many users worldwide and too many manufacturers to stop with DE blades in the near future.

EDIT. I saw your post count just after I posted my reply. Welcome to B&B!
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As everything else DE blades are bound to disappear one day or another. But I don't expect it to happen in my or my kids life-time. Too many users worldwide and too many manufacturers to stop with DE blades in the near future.

I fully agree. There are millions upon millions of poor men who are unable to afford to shave with anything except for a DE razor.

Gillette wants to change this (with their new Gillette Guard) but it remains to be seen how successful they will be. It's my feeling that the Gillette Guard is a premium product, and still may be out of reach for a large amount of 3rd world country DE shavers.

I don't think DE blades are going anywhere anytime soon. Besides, if there is demand, there will be some manufacturer around to supply that demand. The DE market is growing, as evidenced by new players entering the market, and the current players creating new products.
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I start this topic in order to find your thoughts and knowledge regarding the future of the DE razor blades. Do you think that this "old" but stylish way of wet shaving will disappear in the following years? :w00t: Do you believe that the future is related to those annoying disposable razors (as we are a consumer society)? What is the actual trend, gents??? :blush:

I think that was the trend for many years, but there has been a backlash of growing dissatisfaction with the results, the comfort, and the price.

I don't think companies like Gillette and Schick will re-tool and bring back the DE razor because of the up-front costs and lesser profits they would enjoy. Most people may never find out what we have found out here, that newer is not necessarily better. I am the only person that some people know that shave the old fashioned way.
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DE is a niche market that will be served for years to come. To be honest...I am more worried about the soap companies....ie P-160. We might have our DE's but will be stuck with Barbasol! LOL!
When these threads come up, the answers tend to be based on what people "feel" is true, rather than projections based on sales trends.

It's encouraging for DE lovers, though, that there are still companies that find it worthwhile to make new DE razors. Presumably they wouldn't do that if they thought the supply of blades would dry up any time soon. I'm more worried about my favorite SE and injector blades, because nobody does make the razors now. Luckily, they do have other uses, and are still available for now. I've accumulated what should be a lifetime supply, unless I live longer than I plan to.
Barring any kind of federal legislation regulating (e.g. increasing cost of production beyond reasonable levels to make a profit), there is always going to be a demand for them, and therefore, there will always be a supply.
I want DE razors and shaving to make a huge come back which I feel is happening slowly. Anyone that tries never wants to do back to Cannes goop and the 10 blade razor. I'm worried that gillette might try and buy all the de blades producers and end production, or at least that's what I would do if I thought I could force people into a cartige razor.
DE is a niche market that will be served for years to come. To be honest...I am more worried about the soap companies....ie P-160. We might have our DE's but will be stuck with Barbasol! LOL!

+1 I think there's a greater risk of the soap market contracting with the long established specialists either closing down or being bought up by Gillette etc
Even if it is a niche market there will be suppliers as long as there is demand. Look at ammunition makers-you can still get factory ammo for the most obscure and no longer made firearms. It may be made periodically in batches by big companies or steadily by small producers. All the tooling and technology exists to make blades-it may change hands but I doubt will go away for a long time.
I'm sure it'll last for a while. As others have stated I also feel as if it's making a comeback. The more people starting to use cartridges and the canned stuff the more problems people will have looking for alternatives, heck that's why I started DE shaving. :001_cool:
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