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DE identification inside : granpa's razors are mine now

Hello Folks

I've been wetshaving for quite a long time now, but i'm not a "razor fan", i'm much of a "brush guy". So i've 5 brushes and 1 razor ; a Merkur progress. All my shaving technique has been learned with this one.
My beloved granpa died a week ago so I had to go back home (4000 miles from here I'm not living) for his funeral and do some administrative stuff. When I went at his home, i found 2 DE razors, unused for years and years... Here are pictures, post cleaning.



Could you please help me identifiate those two razors ? I've really no idea at all. Here are the facts : it must have been easy to find in 1930/40/50 France or Germany ; it doesnt have ANY marks, serial number, or distinctive thing.
I used the one on the right this morning, loaded with a fresh new Gillete Bleue Extra blade, and I was quite "Wowed". Its much lighter than my progress, easier to use and much more agressive. I mean at the first slide, it was feeling like when I put the Progress on 6, but without pain or irritation. I don't know at all what model it is, but all I know is that it gave my a close, confortable and really EASY shave.
The one on the left might be a Merkur travel (open comb) of some type. The right hand one looks like a Gillette "old type" possibly of the "big boy" style (size hard to tell from pic).
I agree with Rich that the one on the left is some type of travel razor. The one on the right is a thing of beauty. Probably an old type. I hope one of our razor gurus will come along and provide a more definitive answer soon. If it is a "Big Boy," as Rich suggested, that's a heck of a find and a great shaver.
Not sure from the photos but the razor on the right appears to have two rings below the head. Could this be a double ring? If so what a treasure. Regardless, it's great to have your grandfathers razors. That does not happen everyday.
that razor on the right is a Gillette Double Ring. It was made from 1904-1906. How old was your grand father? That razor was probably his father's or possibly his father's father's!
I would hesitate to call the one on the right a gillette. The earliest ones didn't have the gillette logo, so even if that's absent doesn't mean it isn't one. But the knurling looks odd on the knob. The rings also look 'off'. I really don't think it's a gillette.
I would hesitate to call the one on the right a gillette. The earliest ones didn't have the gillette logo, so even if that's absent doesn't mean it isn't one. But the knurling looks odd on the knob. The rings also look 'off'. I really don't think it's a gillette.

maybe.. im not sure.. it looks like a Gillette to me, but it would have to have a Patent date stamped on the handle.
Hello folks

Well, I don't have an internet connection at home, so please forgive me for this delay...
Yes, it does have two ring, but the closest to the head is smaller. And no, it doesn't have any marks...But, i'll check one more time tonight. Maybe you'll need closer shots ?
Thank you veru much for your answers.
From snowy Québec, Bertrand.
Bonjour Bertrand,

Here's a picture of one of my razors, also a travel type. It's not exactly the same as yours but very close.

I bought this as an antique in Jakrta, Indonesia so suspect the origin to be The Netherlands, or indeed, continental europe somewhere.

Kind of gels with your opinion of France or Germany!
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