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Is there a way to date what date range a Wade & Butcher razor is from. One I bought has "Wade & Butcher" "Sheffield" and then the line below is faded but contains what looks like the Iron Cross. All of this is on the shank. I notice that others also have "Manufactured by" before "Wade & Butcher" and others have "England" after "Sheffield." What are the differences?
No thanks, I am taken!

There was some interesting info on SRP. It had to do with whether or not sheffield was on the tang and the degree of hollowness. Even with that, the dates are pretty rough.
No thanks, I am taken!

There was some interesting info on SRP. It had to do with whether or not sheffield was on the tang and the degree of hollowness. Even with that, the dates are pretty rough.

LOL! I knew someone would say something like that. Thanks, I'll take a look over there.

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