I thought i had til.......last minute bid came in
. I even had it sniped. http://www.ebay.com/itm/12091778015...IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649&autorefresh=true

what he saidvery expensive ^^ and i cant understand where the love for this razors came from? is there any special history or something liek that behind the razor?
rare, great shavers, and both combinations brings out both collectors and users (thats me).....Hand made of colbalt steel in small numbers and shooting up in value..............and they shave well I am told
Hand made of colbalt steel in small numbers and shooting up in value..............and they shave well I am told
rare? i see that this razor pop up once or twice a month... definitly not a common razor like a tech but not as rare as an eclipse...
Sure about that? I have only seen a couple in the last year and a half. True there has been a flurry recently with 2 full sized Darwins in the last month but typically it is months between the auctions on ebay even checking all the international sites.
I may have to go 350 plus it seems.Prices have actually been pretty stable. They were often going for more several years ago. $300 range is a decent price for this rare razor.
yes, but i dint max out at 350 like i shoulve.Alex saw that one too. But had my eye on something else. Out of interest even if yoy have a snipe wont a max bid always win?
3 eclpise went onrare? i see that this razor pop up once or twice a month... definitly not a common razor like a tech but not as rare as an eclipse...
Darwins are not mass produced like the Eclipse were, they are hand made and in less masses.Sure about that? I have only seen a couple in the last year and a half. True there has been a flurry recently with 2 full sized Darwins in the last month but typically it is months between the auctions on ebay even checking all the international sites.
okThis only the second one I have seen too and I know who got the one a few weeks a go (not me) and I do look for them?
yes im sure... you cant miss that design... besides for me the design is one of the most *&%$* i ever sawi probably saw 10 up to 15 darwins on the bay last year. i'm not familiar with special types cause for me a darwin is a darwin
Alex saw that one too. But had my eye on something else. Out of interest even if yoy have a snipe wont a max bid always win?