I started de shaving bascially because the hair under my chin stopped growing in two spots (alopecia?) so they are literally really light coloured portions of skin but the surrounding areas is my really dark, thick, corse hair. This is kind of a funny questions, but if I got a baby smooth shave, would the rest of my face look like the portions where my hair isn't going or when you have dark hair and get a baby smooth shave doesnt it still look kind of dark/shadowy there. I haven't been able to get my shaves perfected yet but i shave against the grain in the port between the two non growing portions but you can still reall notice the two spots no matter how smooth i feel like i'm getting it. so in short, with dark hair that's shaved perfectly smooth, doesn't it still kind of look dark or like a shadow in that section? i was hoping that since the spots have no hair that i could shave it to baby smooth and it'd all look the same but apparently that isn't the case with dark hair?