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Dang-it you guys.

Well, I ordered a Merkur HD 34c on saturday. Figured that would do me fine. Read your replies and now i've gone and ordered some packs of the ASTRA sp blades, Gillette 7o'clock blades, and TOBS Mr Taylor shaving cream. Hmmmmmm......AD is kinda fun :biggrin1:
OOOPS. Just ordered the yellows for now. Will try the Blacks next. Looking forward to trying the different blades with the Merkur and see how it goes.
For 7 O'Clocks, I've tried yellow, greens, and blacks. Blacks are my favorite. Blacks are my second favorite blade after red IPs, simply because red IPs are cheaper.
^ Blacks are my favorite of the 7Oclock series as well.

As Lexbomb stated, you should go ahead and order a straight and check those out!
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