I have both the 290 and 293. So far, I prefer the 293, it is much easier for me to generate adequate lather from soaps and creams. I need to further breakin the 290, and I am not enamored with the globe handle and loft, prefering at this time the design and performance of the 293.
I have the 293 and its absolutely luxurious! Plus its a great overall performer, both for face lathering and bowl. It's an all in one brush in my opinion and is why I bought it after Turtle highly recommended it for me. I've been considering getting rid of all my other brushes. Here is my review with pics! http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php/329302-Da-Vinci-293-Review It is probably the most underrated brush out there as there isn't many people that have it.