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CVS Premium Shave Set

Saw this for the first time in a local CVS today - it's the basic old VdH kit but rebadged under the CVS house label without any mention of the manufacturer anywhere on the box. Interesting that CVS believes in the product enough to bring it out under their own name.

You certainly can't beat the price of $6.99 (reduced to $4.890 on cvs.com)


That is indeed interesting. They must have noticed a trend in sales to bother putting the name on it. This seems like a good sign to me!
At Walgreen's they still carry the VDH kit for around $8.00 or so. I purchased one several years ago. Love the soap. Tossed the brush. Use the dish for a change and key receptacle in my walk in closet. All of that was definitely worth the price.
I just picked up a VDH boar at CVS for $8, thinking all the while how nice it would be to go get the kit at Wal-mart, but I can't stand going there. Now it is at CVS.

I did notice a row of VDH brushes all the way to the back of the shelf, and plenty of Williams. There is plenty of shelf space for Palmolive and Arko sticks. I wonder if they would ever carry any of that stuff...
At Walgreen's they still carry the VDH kit for around $8.00 or so. I purchased one several years ago. Love the soap. Tossed the brush. Use the dish for a change and key receptacle in my walk in closet. All of that was definitely worth the price.

Waste, waste. Those brushes are perfect for dusting car dashes.
I bought the CVS kit. Thats one stiff brush! The bowl is nce and the soap is better than nothing. The VDH brush sits alone next to it at CVS for a dollar more. Thats why I bought it. The brush is starting to loosen just a wee bit after a week at boot camp.
My VDH brushes have softened up quiet nicely and they no longer shed. I have a feeling that I got lucky since so many people do not like them. They do soften up nicely thought after a couple of months of use. I use the bowl and the soap too. The Wal-mart stores in this area have stopped carrying the complete kit though. You can only get the soap there now.
I've got 2 VDH brushes so far, and they both have soften phenomenally!!
The first one I broke in over extended usage.
The second one took a few days of using this.

They are actually the brushes I reach for with soaps.

Also, anyone know any difference between the handle colors?
I have a black handle, a green handle, and the CVS by me sells a white handle (gonna pick it up soon).
I've got 2 VDH brushes so far, and they both have soften phenomenally!!
The first one I broke in over extended usage.
The second one took a few days of using this.

They are actually the brushes I reach for with soaps.

Also, anyone know any difference between the handle colors?
I have a black handle, a green handle, and the CVS by me sells a white handle (gonna pick it up soon).

I believe VDH has 2 brush grades. The standard has the green handle, the deluxe has the off white handle...see below for their product page...it doesn't really explain the difference though.

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Ahh yes the Van Der Sheddin', hate the brush, love the soap and the bowl. Of course this is my opinion.
May not be the best stuff but its a nice starter kit. I know I got started with the VDH brush kit from wally world. And so did my freind and gf who I gave them to as gifts :biggrin1: They have thier place in the shaving world and I am glad another one enters the mix.
My VdH brush broke in nicely and works well, although it's a bit scratchy for face lathering. It also sheds more hair than I'd like, but you can't beat the price.
I've had good luck with my VDH boar, but the break-in was long and full of shedding. Shampooing the stink out of it up front, then hitting it with some conditioner helped though.
I just took a look at the CVS just down the road from work and they had several in stock. For $6.99 its a great deal for the newbie. :thumbup1:
My other Vdh has taken to shedding like crazy since I got it some company.It has one of those red and cream handles that have the retro look and I hate to part with it. I have been trying to break the brush in using them both at each shave because it just doesn't hold a good lather yet. Way too stiff. How can I hasten the softening process?
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