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CVS dumping blades?

Over the past couple weeks the CVS website has de-listed their brand (relabeled personnas) of injector blades and DE blades, and their SE blades are on a deep discount. Last time I was in CVS looking for blades, they were out of stock on SEs, only had one injector and a few DEs. Does anyone know if CVS is discontinuing their blades?
I just looked at their website. The CVS brand injectors, DEs and SEs are all still there, but if you limit the search to CVS brand items, they don't show up for some reason. If you show all, they are in the mix.

As far as in store, I notice they don't keep many on hand. I expect that because of the low demand, but sometimes it seems when they do sell out, they don't restock for a while.
Over the past couple weeks the CVS website has de-listed their brand (relabeled personnas) of injector blades and DE blades, and their SE blades are on a deep discount. Last time I was in CVS looking for blades, they were out of stock on SEs, only had one injector and a few DEs. Does anyone know if CVS is discontinuing their blades?

If they were free I still wouldn't buy them. :thumbdown
I just looked at their website. The CVS brand injectors, DEs and SEs are all still there, but if you limit the search to CVS brand items, they don't show up for some reason. If you show all, they are in the mix.

As far as in store, I notice they don't keep many on hand. I expect that because of the low demand, but sometimes it seems when they do sell out, they don't restock for a while.

Ah, thanks for that. I wasn't surprised when I saw few blades in store, but the website made me wonder. I haven't tried them yet (the SEs, the DEs look like the Walmart/Walgreens relabels), but since they are locally available and cheap, it would be convenient.
Ah, thanks for that. I wasn't surprised when I saw few blades in store, but the website made me wonder. I haven't tried them yet (the SEs, the DEs look like the Walmart/Walgreens relabels), but since they are locally available and cheap, it would be convenient.

I'm not trying to be a negative nelly, but they are really lousy blades. I actually threw mine away, and I paid 70 cents a blade for them.
I'm not trying to be a negative nelly, but they are really lousy blades. I actually threw mine away, and I paid 70 cents a blade for them.

I don't think you're being negative at all. :biggrin1:

I've never had a problem using their blades. There are better blades for less though.

I also enjoy using Willams. :001_tt2:
The CVS SE blades shaved exactly like the Rite Aid Treet SE blades and the Walgreens GEM Personna's to me. The only difference was blade life, the Treet's and CVS blades started to rust after 2 shaves and the Walgreens blades got dull after the 4th shave but didn't rust at all.
Ah, thanks for that. I wasn't surprised when I saw few blades in store, but the website made me wonder. I haven't tried them yet (the SEs, the DEs look like the Walmart/Walgreens relabels), but since they are locally available and cheap, it would be convenient.

I believe all of these blades are relabeled ASR/Personnas.
My CVS was clearing out a lot of the shaving items including blades, VDH Brushes, some disposables and some Nivea creams and balms. I assume they are making room for some new products.
Keep in mind that the managers of stores in chain operations have some leeway in the mix of products that they stock. Not everything sells well everywhere.
Keep in mind that the managers of stores in chain operations have some leeway in the mix of products that they stock. Not everything sells well everywhere.

Hm, I worked for CVS for a couple years as a teenager. I knew the management could influence quantity of product, but I figured that actual product variety was determined by the corporation's infinite wisdom.
So now, given the options, what would be folks opinions on the best place in the US to pick up a quick pack of DE blades on the road?
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