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Cutting Power Of Escher With Slurry

How does an Escher's cutting power with slurry compare to the Coticule with slurry? With a Coticule, after you set the bevel with a 1K, can do the whole honing process with slurry down to water. Would I be able to do the same thing with an Escher with slurry, or does an Escher with slurry just have finishing capabilities?
Some are faster than others but all basically a little too slow for anything below 6-8K use. Can it be done? Yes Would I want to? No... It will take an hour or two just to do what a coticule can do in 15 minutes.
Yellow/green eschers are supposed to be the fastest cutting ones. Apparently this is the or one of the reasons they were priced higher when new. I have one and compared to one of my vintage coticule which is sort of a mottled brown and pink one it is pitifully slow. My escher with slurry is much slower that my coticule with just water. Find another hone to set the bevel and then use the escher but even then it can take awhile.
Escher is strictly a finisher.
It will not remove metal the way say 8k or 10k synthetic will do or a coticule or a Jnat with nagurs.
To finish with Escher you can start with slurry and dilute, or just use water, your edge should really be shave ready before the Escher to utilize that stone fully.
I can refresh an edge with one but I look at first and if there is any chipping I will start with a coticule. I have been maintaining my razors that just need touchups with a y/g Thuringian for the last couple months.
Escher is strictly a finisher.
It will not remove metal the way say 8k or 10k synthetic will do or a coticule or a Jnat with nagurs.
To finish with Escher you can start with slurry and dilute, or just use water, your edge should really be shave ready before the Escher to utilize that stone fully.

Someone at srp did a video using an escher to set the bevel and then take the razor all the way to shave ready, so it can be done. It may not be the best tool for the job however.
I would not use my Escher that way because you basically have to start with a surface lapped to 325grit and let the hone and razor smooth out together.That is a large amount amount of wear to one and after a just a few times you'll start to notice your stone getting smaller.
It may not be the best tool for the job however.
That is mildly put.
The test was done to show that Escher can be used to do the job, but it is total waste of the stone, and your time. This method will work only on a no chip blade. as soon as you have to fix chipping Escher will be useless.
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