Hello, I read this thread on which detailed how to best ask for brush recommendations.

I'm on the verge of pulling the trigger on a Shavemac 44140 with ebony handle and would like a little advice and reassurance.

1. Current brushes: I started with a Muhle 21mm pure badger and more recently an Invisible Edge 24mm whitetip. I find the Muhle is a great face latherer, reasonably precise, but not very dense and tends to fan out a lot when lathereing. The whitetip is still fairly new to me. I really like the feel and density and although it has a bigger knot it fans less so isn't much messier. To be honest, I'm still learning this brush. Currently it takes a bit more effort than the Muhle.
2. Lathery leanings: I'm partial to hard soaps and face lathering.
3+4. What I think I want: For my next brush I am considering a custom Shavemac 44140 silvertip. From what I have read they have a reputation for having good backbone for hard soaps. I'm undecided on knot and loft. Standard specs are 24mm and loft 56mm. I might aim for 22mm and loft 55mm in a bulb shape. I want an efficient face lathering brush, a bit scrubby but not scritchy, with beauty to boot. Hence the custom chrome and ebony handle as this will be displayed proudly.
5. Budget: While I'm averaging 1 brush a month so far I'm happy with the custom price quoted.
6. Size: I have chops and a van dyke beard so want a smaller more precise brush. I don't want to be cleaning lather out of my beard all day! Also, thus far I'm a 1pass + touch ups shaver. Shavemac seems to reserve their more exotic handles for big brushes which is why I went custom. From the two brushes I own and considering their size and density, I think a 22mm knot and 55m loft will be a good size. But I am least sure on this point and need some reassurance please!
7. Candidates: I've mentioned the Shavemac and was tempted by the Muhle Purist and Sophist. I'll admit I'm going heavily on aethetics here. The thought that their silvertip may be even floppier than my pure badger made me reconder a Shavemac.
8. SBAD: Well really I'm not after a big collection and am happy to pay a premium for what I hope will be my primary brush for a long time.
I don't mind hearing about other options, but am pretty excited about the Shavemac. I mainly want a little guidance and reassurance that the size I'm considering is about right.

I'm on the verge of pulling the trigger on a Shavemac 44140 with ebony handle and would like a little advice and reassurance.

1. Current brushes: I started with a Muhle 21mm pure badger and more recently an Invisible Edge 24mm whitetip. I find the Muhle is a great face latherer, reasonably precise, but not very dense and tends to fan out a lot when lathereing. The whitetip is still fairly new to me. I really like the feel and density and although it has a bigger knot it fans less so isn't much messier. To be honest, I'm still learning this brush. Currently it takes a bit more effort than the Muhle.
2. Lathery leanings: I'm partial to hard soaps and face lathering.
3+4. What I think I want: For my next brush I am considering a custom Shavemac 44140 silvertip. From what I have read they have a reputation for having good backbone for hard soaps. I'm undecided on knot and loft. Standard specs are 24mm and loft 56mm. I might aim for 22mm and loft 55mm in a bulb shape. I want an efficient face lathering brush, a bit scrubby but not scritchy, with beauty to boot. Hence the custom chrome and ebony handle as this will be displayed proudly.
5. Budget: While I'm averaging 1 brush a month so far I'm happy with the custom price quoted.
6. Size: I have chops and a van dyke beard so want a smaller more precise brush. I don't want to be cleaning lather out of my beard all day! Also, thus far I'm a 1pass + touch ups shaver. Shavemac seems to reserve their more exotic handles for big brushes which is why I went custom. From the two brushes I own and considering their size and density, I think a 22mm knot and 55m loft will be a good size. But I am least sure on this point and need some reassurance please!
7. Candidates: I've mentioned the Shavemac and was tempted by the Muhle Purist and Sophist. I'll admit I'm going heavily on aethetics here. The thought that their silvertip may be even floppier than my pure badger made me reconder a Shavemac.
8. SBAD: Well really I'm not after a big collection and am happy to pay a premium for what I hope will be my primary brush for a long time.
I don't mind hearing about other options, but am pretty excited about the Shavemac. I mainly want a little guidance and reassurance that the size I'm considering is about right.