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Custom Mug, Finally!


The wife's investment
It only took me about three years from this thought to this mug.

View attachment 61180

I have a friend who is a potter. He made the lather bowl that is in my avatar. I have asked him to make me another one with a better grip on the bottom. I asked him several times about it, but he never got around to it. So last year, in the spring, before I moved to Michigan, I finally got him to make one that was suitable. Well, it sat on his shelf for over a year and after several promptings, he finally fired it and now I have my very own, one of a kind, custom lather bowl.

Originally, I wanted one for each of my soaps, but now I think I might only want one more that is slightly wider at the top. Since I don't lather on top of my soaps as much as I used to, a special mug for each soap is not necessary. To use it, I put it in the sink and fill it with hot water while I am getting set up for my shave. This heats up the bowl nicely. Then I lather what ever I am using, whether cream or soap in the mug and I have nice warm lather. I leave the brush in the bowl/mug between passes and it holds the heat pretty well.

Here's some more pics.
View attachment 61181
View attachment 61182
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Hey, super-cool Dennis! I'm glad your efforts and prodding came to fruition.

(now if you only had some soap to put in that bowl...) :wink:


The wife's investment
Hey, super-cool Dennis! I'm glad your efforts and prodding came to fruition.

You know how those artists are. If you don't, well, let's just say time seems to mystify them.

(now if you only had some soap to put in that bowl...) :wink:

Well, the soap is starting to stack up like cord wood. Sorry I haven't been able to give you much feedback. It has been a crazy busy summer. I'll see what kind of lathering I can work in this week for you.
Looks great Dennis! I like the idea of the ridges on the bottom. Plus, it's a beautiful piece -- nice coloring.
Well, the soap is starting to stack up like cord wood. Sorry I haven't been able to give you much feedback. It has been a crazy busy summer. I'll see what kind of lathering I can work in this week for you.

No hurry, and I'm just poking you. I'm sorry you've had so little free time this summer!
Wow, that's a great looking bowl. I'm sure it's got some nice weight and mass, to retain some heat.

I have a few friends who make wonderful pottery, and even a good connection to one who blows glass. I might have to have them make me one too.


The wife's investment
Wow, that's a great looking bowl. I'm sure it's got some nice weight and mass, to retain some heat.

I have a few friends who make wonderful pottery, and even a good connection to one who blows glass. I might have to have them make me one too.

It's fun to play with clay. I enjoyed the few nights we spent making prototypes. I just wish it could have been done sooner.
It's fun to play with clay. I enjoyed the few nights we spent making prototypes. I just wish it could have been done sooner.

I am making some scuttles, mugs, and lather bowls now. Let me know what you want - size, shape, thickness, ect. and I will "try" to make them. When I get them done I'll post the photos on the forum. I am limited on glaze, I fire in oxidation and make my own glazes. I am working on a few different glazes but I tend to favor the clear glaze over the white stoneware body I use.
That is the best looking lather bowl I have seen. Love the design.
If you have any more made, let me know!!!
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