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Creed / Bois de Cédrat - gone in a flash

Creed's Bois de Cédrat has an absolutely wonderful lemon citrus opening - but longevity is pretty much zilch. On my skin the citrus is wonderful for the 10 minutes to 15 minutes or so that it lasts. Really reminds me of G.F. Trumper / Extract of West Indian Limes and how that one has a stunning lime note that's gone inside of 5 minutes. Bois de Cédrat lasts somewhat longer than GFT Limes, but not long enough for the top shelf price. Thumbs up from both of us concerning the scent, but I won't be buying it due to the longevity issue.

From the Creed website:
Classification: Citrus / Woody
Top Notes: Sicilian lemon
Middle Notes: Calabrian Mandarin
Base Notes: Cedarwood, ambergris
Comparatives: Citrus Bigarrade, Virgin Island Water, Windsor
Wear it on clothing.
Cuffs and collar especially.
This is the cure for short-lived scents that your skin eats up.
I've sampled a lot of Creeds and they seem to be quite finicky. On some people they last for hours and hours, and I've had that experience like Bob where it's just gone. Happens with a lot of other frags for me. Love BdP but can't get it to last on me.

The collar and cuffs trick I've picked up at DULLAH's suggestion for Windsor. It does keep some of the "disappearing" scents active.

I've also heard of people using it to prolong the life of the infamously loved but often short lived Blenheim Bouquet.
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Bob's been on a scent testing escapade lately! Nice work. I really do like reading your input on the scents.
Thanks for the response. I received a ton of tiny little samples in the mail before I went on vacation - some from Rorschuck, some from Barclay Crocker, some from the local malls, etc. Now that I'm back home I'm trying a new one each day - sometimes two if they lack longevity. I've got about 40 scents to go through yet.
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