Alright, here's the idea. Take a razor of your choice, bevel it on a synthetic of 1.2k or less. Then take your favorite coticule and hone it start to shave-ready finish using whatever method you prefer. Oil, diamond impregnated slurry, dilucot, Unicot, rest it on the coticule and beat it with the slurry stone like a confused caveman, YOUR CHOICE. Time yourself (from the first time slurry stone or razor or medium touches coticule until you do a final dry/wipe of the razor before stropping). You must strop (no pasted strops, any abrasives you're gonna use have to be used on the coticule and included in your time), and shave with the razor after. If the shave isn't up to snuff, you must try again. For this reason I recommend using junker or cheap razors unless you are completely confident in your coticule speed-honing abilities.
Post the razor, the grind, the beveling stone used, the coticule dimensions, exact technique, elapsed time and any other information you feel is important. Let's see who among you feels the NEED for SPEED. Once this thread is going, I think I'll do a second one for start to finish honing including beveling so we can compare.
Post the razor, the grind, the beveling stone used, the coticule dimensions, exact technique, elapsed time and any other information you feel is important. Let's see who among you feels the NEED for SPEED. Once this thread is going, I think I'll do a second one for start to finish honing including beveling so we can compare.