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Coticule: The time Challenge. Prebeveled.

Alright, here's the idea. Take a razor of your choice, bevel it on a synthetic of 1.2k or less. Then take your favorite coticule and hone it start to shave-ready finish using whatever method you prefer. Oil, diamond impregnated slurry, dilucot, Unicot, rest it on the coticule and beat it with the slurry stone like a confused caveman, YOUR CHOICE. Time yourself (from the first time slurry stone or razor or medium touches coticule until you do a final dry/wipe of the razor before stropping). You must strop (no pasted strops, any abrasives you're gonna use have to be used on the coticule and included in your time), and shave with the razor after. If the shave isn't up to snuff, you must try again. For this reason I recommend using junker or cheap razors unless you are completely confident in your coticule speed-honing abilities.

Post the razor, the grind, the beveling stone used, the coticule dimensions, exact technique, elapsed time and any other information you feel is important. Let's see who among you feels the NEED for SPEED. Once this thread is going, I think I'll do a second one for start to finish honing including beveling so we can compare.

I shaved with it, it was not the best shave ever but pretty good.

I can't remember what I set the bevel on but it was likely my JNS 1K stone.

This is what I call the Pacocot method as it was him that turned me on to this method of using coticules wihtout slurry adn just varying the pressure.
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Well I don't have a pic of the Chosera 1k (nor do I have the exact coticule dimensions), but here's my new Coticule bout that I used to hone this 4/8" Costa Bros. razor the other day. I actually did time myself, and from the beginning of bevel set to final finish it took me about 17 mins. 7min on the 1k, and 10min on the coticule. I raised a milky slurry & did Emmanuel's Ellipticot method, which involves doing circles with minimal dilutions, then finishing on slurry. I got an HHT2 off the stone, and an HHT4-5 after stropping....

<edit> Sorry, I just noticed that you wanted coticule ONLY...In that case, it took me 10min....

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Nice, seems that 10mins or less is already the bar.

Doc, what is your stone on there? Looks like a couple inverted coasters.
OK, gave it a try this morning. Probably been a little bit indulgent with my edge - I'll try it after my shower. Here are the pictures - I used two smaller bouts that I quite like, one la grise and one that I think is LPB. The pictures tell it all, sub 10 minutes but probably could have done it in 8 tbh.


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Shaved pretty well, no burn after WTG & ATG but not as close as my jnats - been using them pretty much exclusively for a while. Magnification is 60 plus my iPhone I think so probably about 100? I think I could improve on the edge but perfectly useable as it is.
Not s speed freak myself - but it's interesting to see what can be done with these stones.

A while back, I had a LPB natural combo - I 'might' have gotten it from Ian, can't remember to be honest - was a long while ago.
Anyway - I did a full bevel-set to finish on an ebay blade in under 10 min with that stone. Was the fastest Coti I ever used.
I BELIEVE the only modern combo coticule I ever sold was a monstrously thick (like 20mm coti, 20mm BBW) combo bout that was a weird almost diamond shaped stone. It was quite fast as I recalled, but I didn't like the shape of it. I've sold a TON of vintages, but since you know the vein it probably wasn't one of those.

My fastest coticule ever was a 175x40mm vintage natural combo that I did sell here. When I got it, it was MASSIVELY dished and had these weird grooves in the sides for about 3" right at the center (both sides, I think they were cut in there for some kind of grip or mounting reason). I left them in because it would have cost a few more mm of stone to remove them. I wish I hadn't sold that thing. I could do a hollow ground blade in maybe three minutes on it. I could bevel and hone in under ten. Only reason I got rid of it was that I had way way too many stones and I made the foolish decision to keep a larger stone over a faster one.
I think this was a vintage, was a rectangle, def LPB, very very thick. Maybe 150x45x45mm or so.
Came from someone that is well known on the board, just can't remember who. If it wasn't you - then maybe JKH or someone else, not sure. There have been way too many stones here for me to remember who I got each one from.

Was stupid fast - blackish slurry with first stroke. Had to finish under running water.
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