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Coticule questions and microscope pics

I have a few Cotis. Eleven now and varying slurry stones. I routinely get good edges with the occasional set back. I am no where near the level of some of our very accomplished masters here but I have a lot of fun at it. My question is what do we really know about the differences between hones? Most of my hones appear to be La Grise, but despite that they are all different! I have one hone in particular that is nearly magic!! Any technique I throw at it yields perfect edges!! I use it now to bring any less than perfect edge into great shape. If I test shave off of one of my other stones and don't get the result I want I can go to this hone for just a few minutes and be just amazed at the results!!

I am going to post up a ton of pictures and would love to hear our coti master opinions on what makes a great hone! Many are taken with my USB scope. I am trying to learn all I can about the coti.


These are of my coti that produce the easiest best edges
Very interesting pics, Brian. I have 8ish coticules myself (including a few La Grises), and I love each one for a different reason. Some are faster than others, some easier to figure out than others, but they all have one common denominator; the buttery smooth edges that they produce...:thumbup1:
Nice pics; Never used a coti myself. I would be curious to see what an edge looks like coming off each one.



never thought to see my coti through microscope! ill do it later for sure!
My scope is an inexpensive USB scope. About $40.00 on Amazon. Very easy to use, but not massive magnification abilities. The pics were right around 200X. What amazes me is that the edges that feel the smoothest and most keen come from the first coti pictured!! The picture makes it look like it is covered in ridges but that is nothing like it feels. As far as pictures of edges go I deffinitely plan on that!! I have played with it some, but taking a picture of a sharp edge is tougher than it sounds!
I'd be willing to bet they are all la grise with exception of the red one.... Very nice pics.

I think so as well, but they vary greatly in their honing properties. A technique that works well on one will fall flat on the next except for the first which seems to be perfectly happy to give me wonderful edges no matter how it is used.
What would my stone be classified as?

$Coticule Side.jpg$Coticule Top.jpg

You know. For science.

Where would I find further information on a particular layer? Thanks in advance.
You know..some coticules have been known to grow "coti scales"..I think you found a few...:lol:

What are these scales distinguished by? Do they assist the process?
You can almost make out the unique surfaces of coti by eye but the magnified shots really drive home the variances. I'd be curious to see edges paired with the stones they were finished on.
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