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Coticule colours

Howdy all,

I was wondering if any particular colour would be considered finer or coarser than others.

I know there are also many variables such as hardness or softness of stone. How wet you have it or how thick of a slurry you create. But what about the variable of the slurry stone?

For example I have two yellow cotis, one is soft but the other feels much harder during honeing. Also one slurry stone is a green colour while the other is patchy pink(like a yellow and pinkish cow)

Which combo of stone and slurry stone would theoretically give me the best possible edge?
Hey Basil, that is an impossible question to answer because the "best" possible edge is a personal preference. Not to mention, coticules are a natural stone and therefor vary in their properties. Two stones from the same vein may have different characteristics.

Great stones :thumbup1:
I really like my yellow coticule, and I use the same yellow slurry stone.

Take a look here for what is believed by many to be the most reliable information on coticules.
Well the color can distinguish where the stone came from in the quarry. Some are faster or may release more garnets and these attributes may make the stone better than others. I'm not very familiar on stone veins but Bart is a the master coticule profiler and even has his own TV mini series:lol: In all seriousness he knows his stuff.

I love stones that have colors in them or ones that aren't perfect looking. I have a stone that is almost entirely pink and it is an amazing stone.
i thought i had read somewhere how the different colours were faster or slower...either way its all good... i shall post my cotis and show them off in a second lol ;)
i thought i had read somewhere how the different colours were faster or slower...either way its all good... i shall post my cotis and show them off in a second lol ;)

I think some generalities can be made about colors or veins, but they are just that - generalities. At the end of the day pretty much any coticule has the capability to produce a wonderful shaving edge in the right hands.
Well the color can distinguish where the stone came from in the quarry. Some are faster or may release more garnets and these attributes may make the stone better than others. I'm not very familiar on stone veins but Bart is a the master coticule profiler and even has his own TV mini series:lol: In all seriousness he knows his stuff.

I love stones that have colors in them or ones that aren't perfect looking. I have a stone that is almost entirely pink and it is an amazing stone.

i thought i had read somewhere how the different colours were faster or slower...either way its all good... i shall post my cotis and show them off in a second lol ;)
IMO, important variables include garnet content, garnet size, garnet crystallinity (how well-formed the facets are, etc.), and how easily the garnets are released to slurry - all of which can vary a bunch. The only thing that I could imagine that you'd be able to predict just based on appearance might be pink (garnet) content on the surface.
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