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Costume National Scent Intense

Whats everyone's thoughts on this one? Does it compare well to anything? It seems to have glowing reviews everywhere I look. I personally don't have any experience with this line. Some have said its a strong patchouli fragrance. The only thing I have with a strong patchouli note is Prada Amber Intense and I actually rather enjoy it. Just doesn't have the best longevity so it never gets used. But any input would be appreciated guys. Thanks!
I got a sample in my Birchbox a couple months ago. I wore it once, then gave it to my wife. I like it, but like it more on her than me. If I remember right, I felt it progressed into something too powdery for me to like wearing myself.
I happen to have been seduced into buying a bottle of this by a raving Barney's rep. NO patchouli whatsoever that I can tell.. (Pre forum days).

I wore it a few times and really ended up disliking it. It's certainly a unisex scent and many love it, but I found it leaned too feminine for my taste. It's notes are listed at Basesnotes as Jasmine tea, Hibiscis and Amber. I guess the amber is most prominent in a full wearing, but it was too floral for me. I really don't want to paint a picture of this as too girly....it may be just be I don't like amber that much. People at work told me I smelled like Liz Taylor's White Diamonds.

Not sure how this showed on your radar but sample first. Read reviews at Basenotes. I'm not alone in this sentiment.
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I actually just got my sample in yesterday with my bottle of Tom of Finland from luckyscent. Man am I glad I didn't jump the gun and pick it up before testing. Not at all what I thought it was going to be. However, they also sent me samples of Costume National Homme and Scent. I immediately fell in love with Homme. Just enough spice to go along with the patchouli and light vanilla. I picked up a bottle on eBay the same day the sample arrived. I'm actually wearing the sample to work today.
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