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cooking oil?

going with the bacon fat thread, what cooking oil do you most use?

i use primarily use peanut frying oil, my fiance is allergic to soy, and most vegetable oil is either all soy, or has lots of it.

ill occasionally use olive oil, sesame oil, and asian peanut oil, depending on what im cooking.

lard, duck fat, bacon fat, and butter are all specialty/occasional use stuff.
High PUFA seed oils. Does a body good!

(J/K.....Animal fat, butter, and coconut oil are the best for cooking -- especially at fry temps, IMO.)
Olive oil for low to medium heat.
Avocado or grapeseed for high heat.
Peanut oil for frying (but once every two years we're talking about).
Coconut oil. Healthy, endures high temperature, doesn't overpower flavours, last ages before going off.
I use it for frying, adding to oats, baking bread. Some people even eat it on its own as a supplement.
It is unique in being made of mainly medium-chain triglycerides.
You can use it as skin moisturiser.

Only downside is it is solid at room temperature, so you have to dig it out rather than pour it. A small price to pay.
Coconut oil. Healthy, endures high temperature, doesn't overpower flavours, last ages before going off.
I use it for frying, adding to oats, baking bread. Some people even eat it on its own as a supplement.
It is unique in being made of mainly medium-chain triglycerides.
You can use it as skin moisturiser.

Only downside is it is solid at room temperature, so you have to dig it out rather than pour it. A small price to pay.

How does heating affect its health properties? I heard that makes it unhealthy, but I may be (probably am) wrong.
How does heating affect its health properties? I heard that makes it unhealthy, but I may be (probably am) wrong.

I haven't heard that. I've read that coconut oil is more stable at high temperatures than most other oils.
Might be worth checking though.
Depends on what I am cooking.

High temp is peanut oil
Med temp is olive oil
Low temp olive oil and butter


Wanting for wisdom
Mick has my proxy on this one. I really don't do things with more than three tablespoons of oil. Eggs I like in butter or left over bacon grease, mushrooms usually butter and olive oil, Onions, peppers, bok choy, browning a roast . . . that would be olive oil.
Deep frying:
Sunflower oil
Pure olive oil
Olive oil and canola blend

Olive oil
Olive oil and butter
Peanut oil

Pan searing:
Walnut oil (especially fish)
Olive oil


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
For all purpose use, corn, vegetable (i.e., soy), or canola all work great. Peanut is expensive but terrific in stir fries. Olive oil is a must to have, as well.

Save the high priced oils (good extra virgin, walnut, hazelnut) for salads.
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