I know the shave stick thing has been talked to death, but I have a little more specific question.
Turning glycerin soaps into shave sticks is easy, but I have some tallow/milled soaps coming and really prefer the shave stick method even over rubbing the puck on my face.
I know the process is to grate them and then press them into the stick container, but I am uncertain whether it is best to add a little water, or then drop the stick into a warm/hot tub of water to let it seat into the stick container.
Want to make sure I get a consistent fill.
Anyone else do this regularly that has a proven method with hard/tallow soaps?
The soaps I will be doing this with are:
DR Arlington
Possibly Tabac (might use it in the bowl it comes in though)
And I will be using WCS empty stick cases.
Turning glycerin soaps into shave sticks is easy, but I have some tallow/milled soaps coming and really prefer the shave stick method even over rubbing the puck on my face.
I know the process is to grate them and then press them into the stick container, but I am uncertain whether it is best to add a little water, or then drop the stick into a warm/hot tub of water to let it seat into the stick container.
Want to make sure I get a consistent fill.
Anyone else do this regularly that has a proven method with hard/tallow soaps?
The soaps I will be doing this with are:
DR Arlington
Possibly Tabac (might use it in the bowl it comes in though)
And I will be using WCS empty stick cases.