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Controversial Hatred, or the thing you hate that everyone looks at you funny for.

Ok, no judging, but I figured this one would be a fun one. This isn't just for things you hate and everyone else likes or things you you think are over-hyped....

This is for pure irrational hatred of some pop or cultural sensation that everyone, but you, seems to love.

Def Leppard.

Seriously, I would rather listen to Justin Beiber massacre the Pink Floyd catalog with the Bay City Rollers while Top Gun plays on endless video loop in the background and the only thing to drown my sorrows is Zima and New Coke, rather than listen to Def Leppard.

Some good natured ribbing is expected ;)


Needs milk and a bidet!
Taylor Swift. Could not stand her ever since she won entertainer of the year in 2009. IMO she is not Country music. And she can't sing on top of that.
Funny, because I share OP's opinion. Def Leppard is the worst band of all time, and I would rather slide down a 6 foot razor blade into a pool of alcohol than to listen to one more of their wannabe rock songs. My friends all think I'm crazy because they are "classic". Classic crap IMO...
Not to make this a Def Leppard bashing thread but I kinda agree. I would also add in pretty much the whole hair metal era - from Great White to Poison to Mötley Crüe. Especially MC.
plus 99% of music today, including but not limited to auto tuned talentless eejits, rap, country, hip hop, post-grunge introspective crap, death metal and the shell of its former self that Metallica has become.

And schmaltzy Super Bowl commercials.
And most TV. Even current hits like Big Bang Theory do nothing for me. Don't get me started on Downton sodding Abbey.
and cows. Never liked cows except for the eating of.
Sports. Any sports. I cannot stand any televised sport. I would rather watch the entire Nicholas Sparks video catalog than watch televised big-budget sports.
I can't stand baseball.. I even played on my youth and was pretty good.

Just so boring. Although I did enjoy the natural, and other baseball related films.
Rap music. Can't stand it...makes me ill.

As for Def Leppard I was a huge fan when Pyromania came out in '83. I also like the two LPs prior to that but everything else is pop drivel.
Fishing. In any form. I know many people like it and that's okay, I've just never understood why I'm not allowed NOT to like it. Some people treat me like I kill puppies and kittens with a lawn mower just for the heck of it. It's just not my thing, that's all.

I agree with some of the bands and music that will be mentioned, but I'll add The Grateful Dead. Here's a joke:

What does a Deadhead say when he runs out of pot?

"Hey, somebody please turn that crappy music off!"


Mike H

Instagram Famous
Raindrops on roses
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
Whiskers on kittens

Silver white winters that melt into springs
Bright copper kettles
Sleigh bells
Warm woolen mittens

Cream colored ponies
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Crisp apple
Schnitzel with noodles
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Most movies based on books. The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter Series, Twilight Series and countless others. Maybe we should be encouraging our kids to read, instead of just providing another shortcut.
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