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Controversial Hatred, or the thing you hate that everyone looks at you funny for.

I agree with everyone thus far except the Def Leppard thing.

And I'll add Twitter, and newscasters posting their viewers' tweets or FB postings like it's real news.

Also the Weather Channel giving winter storms names.
I am going to say this and I hope it does not change anyones opinion of me, I can not stand Led Zepplin. I would rather grow a beard than listen to them. The individual members of the band are quite good and I do not mind any of their other projects. I don't even mind a band doing Led Zepplin covers and can listen to Dread Zepplin without hesitation.
newscasters posting their viewers' tweets or FB postings like it's real news.

Or TV presenters in general waving around tablet PCs. More for show than any actual purpose.
I've loved techy gadgets all my life, but I'm kind of resentful that they have been made cheap and easy to use for the masses. Instead of boosting productivity they are used for so much pointless time wasting.
Not hate, but Scarlett Johansson looks very plain to me. Maybe even odd. Not Julia Roberts odd, but heading that way.
Though she seemed to look better in the Avengers movie.

Not hating her looks (or being overly fond of) either but hearing her ruin Waits did enough to incur my ire.
I hate Goat Cheese. Everyone else on this planet seems to love it. Tastes like a goats butt smells.

Seriously, I would rather listen to Justin Beiber massacre the Pink Floyd catalog with the Bay City Rollers while Top Gun plays on endless video loop in the background and the only thing to drown my sorrows is Zima and New Coke, rather than listen to Def Leppard.

Some good natured ribbing is expected ;)

OK, I understand your hatred for Def Leppard, but nothing is worse then New Coke
Kanye West, Facebook, twitter, reality shows, celebrity reality shows, (cardasians ***?) cricket, golf, rugby, taztiki, liver, jeigermeister, telemarketing (those b*stards that call you up when you're eating dinner), people that talk over you when you're trying to explain something, fat cat bankers, idiots in cars at rush hour, people who talk in the movie theatre, people who put their feet or knees on the back of my chair in the movie theatre, people who litter, great offers in stores that turn out to be crap offers in stores, just to get you in the store... I could go on. Phew! I feel better now.
Kanye West, Facebook, twitter, reality shows, celebrity reality shows, (cardasians ***?) cricket, golf, rugby, taztiki, liver, jeigermeister, telemarketing (those b*stards that call you up when you're eating dinner), people that talk over you when you're trying to explain something, fat cat bankers, idiots in cars at rush hour, people who talk in the movie theatre, people who put their feet or knees on the back of my chair in the movie theatre, people who litter, great offers in stores that turn out to be crap offers in stores, just to get you in the store... I could go on. Phew! I feel better now.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

(Gonna go celebrate that one.)
American Idol
Food Network
Remodeling/decorating shows
Skinny women
Molecular Gastronomy
Everyone thinking NYC is the best food destination in the US (It's Chicago)
Gillette's marketing for their shaving razors.....
Just Beiber....
Everyone thinking Chicago is the best food destination in the US (It's New York) :lol:
I'm in the "get off my lawn" phase of my life so I hate just about everything already listed, including all music after 1963. That would include Dead Leopard as I so "fondly" called them. I can remember buying my teenage daughter her first pair of headphones in the 80's so I wouldn't have to hear that crap. Hate to say it, but a lot of today's music makes Dead Leopard sound good.
The Superbowl and football in general. I just don't get how people can get so involved in it to the point of yelling at TV.
Kanye West, Facebook, twitter, reality shows, celebrity reality shows, (cardasians ***?) cricket, golf, rugby, taztiki, liver, jeigermeister, telemarketing (those b*stards that call you up when you're eating dinner), people that talk over you when you're trying to explain something, fat cat bankers, idiots in cars at rush hour, people who talk in the movie theatre, people who put their feet or knees on the back of my chair in the movie theatre, people who litter, great offers in stores that turn out to be crap offers in stores, just to get you in the store... I could go on. Phew! I feel better now.

Awesome post!

I thought you guys were supposed to be one of the happiest people on earth? :lol:
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