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Continental ExtremeContact DWS tires

Hey, everyone:

I'm in the market to get some new tires and have been reading rave reviews of this tire. Reviews are so good that everywhere I've called, locally and elsewhere within the US, is practically sold out.

Does anyone have this tire and if so, what are your thoughts?

I've never had Contis so I'd like to get some feedback.


I don't know about the extremecontacts, but my old Subaru Impreza came with a set of Continental Contiprocontacts that were universally reviled as utter crap. Not only were they lousy tires with too little grip, too much flex, poor longevity, and they, um, smelled, but they were also ridiculously expensive. Fortunately, through the great benefits of belonging to a Subaru enthusiasts forum, I was introduced to my favorite tires: Kumho Supra Ecsta 712's which are superior in every respect to the old smelly contiprocontacts.

I don't know if this little story will help you at all, but maybe it will. Be sure to check out what folks on car fora have to say about them, since oftentimes reviews can be biased in many other locations. Hey, maybe the Kumho's might be your thing...

Good luck!:thumbup1:
Keep in mind what conditions, and how you drive in before buying tires; no matter what tire you buy it's a compromise, it isn't possible to make a perfect tire yet.

The best winter tires are useless in the summer, some of the "eco" tires sacrifice grip for better fuel consumption, what stops fastest under perfect conditions might be horrible if the road is too wet.

I use conti premiumcontact2 during the summer - they're very good, just the perfect mix between stiffness & comfort, and they handle perfectly on very wet roads.

During the winter I use conti vikingcontact3 - supersoft winter tires designed for scandinavian conditions; they handle cold winters well, but are completely useless during the summer. On a wet summer day they handle worse than on a cold winter day with plenty of snow.

Pick something that's right for your car & driving style. Sure, hard performance tires might be what gets you fastest around a track - but you don't want too hard tires if you value comfort & low road noise. If your car's suspension is responsive & tight, hard tires make it worse, if it's too soft, soft tires make it worse.
I've never seen or heard of that tire. It could possibly that they don't have them in stock because they don't carry them. Might be a special order type of thing. I work at a Discount tire and we don't carry too many of the conti's. We have them in some of the popular sizes that come oem on vehicles, but we don't stock much of anything else. We can order them, but then ordering a set of tires that nobody carries is a hassle. In the even of something happening to the tire that requires replacement, you will either have to buy something else or have to wait.
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