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Contemporary Classics?

Of the razors, brushes, etc., currently in production today, do you feel any are destined for classic status? Put different, what products do you believe that if production of them were stopped would be eagerly sought out by user/collectors for years to come?

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As much as I enjoy using my Futur, I think its ergonomic shortcomings (which don't bother me, frankly) would disqualify it from being a classic. It might have cult appeal, but I don't think it would enjoy the general acclaim some of the old Gillette DE razors do.

I think many of the standard line Rooney brushes would enjoy general acclaim.

Your nominations for the classics of tomorrow?
Merkur Progress, and the custom upgrades

Merkur 34C, 39C

C&E Best Badger Brush

DB / Georgetown / Moss scuttles

SchwarzWeissKeramic scuttles (its in a league by itself already, so I didn't list it with the previous three)

Tony Miller strops

Custom straights by Bill Ellis / Tim Zowada / etc.
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You bet me to it. Tony Miller strops and the named custom straights, and others, if what I thought of.
it's funny, because I don't even use straight razors ... but these items have such a glowing reputation that it seemed like a no-brainer to include them on such a list.
Another endorsement for TM Strops. I really love mine. I would add...

Merkur HD (The standard one, I think it was already mentioned, I just don't remember the model number.)
Tabac Shave Soap
Any of the stainless steel Ikon razors that Greg is making but particularly the one with the ball-end handle. It's modeled after the Gillette ball-end but it's better and more beautiful in every way. It's a new take on a classic and it's a classic in it's own right.
Your seemed to ask more about hardware than consumables, but some of the scents are probably classics. If they hinted that they would stop making Clubman, Eau de Portugal, Lilac Vegetal, Hoyt's, Florida Water, Ogallala in its many forms, Prosaro shave cream, Aqua Velva, Superior 70 BR, Murray's and Dax pomades, Nivea face scrub, and probably a bunch of other things I am not remembering. Of course, lots of these things are older things that are classics, so not very analogous to your quesiton!

For newer stuff, that is more expensive, i would guess that C&S 88 released in 1984 is starting to get enough attention to to a modern classic. We will see after the B&B special buy starts coming in. Creed GIT, supposed Carey Grant connection aside, released the following year. Cool Water maybe.

Short list, eh?
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