I was thinking about shaving with a Gillette old type head, how aggressive is the head and does it take a steep learning curve not to nick or cut yourself? I shave with other safety razors but a bit apprehensive to shave with the old type head. Thoughts.
These razors originally took a thicker blade, my computations from seeing pictures of them lead me to believe they would be extremely mild with today's DE blades. The old style blades are available from a couple of obscure online retailers but I cannot vouch for their products quality.
Regarding the blade thickness... I got my first OLD type yesterday and it came with some rusty used old 3 hole blades. Since I too was curious about this thick blade/thin blade shananigans I keep hearing about, I busted out my micrometer. Old gillette3 hole blade measured .006" thick, newer gillette thin blade .004". So the difference is .002" making the blade gap difference .001" different. For those of you following along at home, the thickness of a human hair (one of my own... I measured it. Lol) is .002". So my opinion is that .001" will be unnoticable. And as BBrad has already said, with the sharpness of modern blades, compared to the old 3 holes, it shouldn't matter anyway.