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Considering a Gillette Superspeed: Suggestions?

I have been shaving with the Weishi for about a month, and am pretty comfortable. I have tried the Merkur 38C HD long handle, but still find it too agressive for my technique and skill level. I would like to try something a little more agressive than the Weishi TTO, and am considering the Gillette
superspeed. The question is what model year, what do I want to consider, how to clean/sanitize? and, are there there other models I should consider.

DE shaving is the best thing that has happened to my face. In the last month I have gone from a neck full of ingrown hairs to only 4-5. Also, I love my mornings, and go into each day relaxed and calm.

I appreciate any thoughts, and want to thank you in advance. The B&B community is incredible!
I can't say wether the superspeed is a little less aggressive than the razors you currently have as I have no experience with either of those ones. But the SuperSpeed is an excellent razor. It is definitely on the mild side. And it provides excellent shaves. As to a year - the 40s style ones are often touted as among the best. But the 50s and 60s style are great as well. Depending on when you were born, you might even consider trying to get one from the year you were born. I just use a good soaking in rubbing alcohol after a really, really thorough cleaning to sanitize the razors that I have bought. Some people use Barbicide, but I think alcohol is probably more than sufficient.

Another mild razor is the Tech. I'd highly recommend either a SuperSpeed or a Tech.


My elbows leak
Staff member
40's style Superspeed.
Built like a tank, smooth flawless operation. great shaves. looks like a gorgeous piece of utilitarian equipment (which it is!!)

Can't beat 'em!!
Both Brian and Phil are right on the money . . . can't beat a Super Speed for its gentle and forgiving characteristics. Minimal irritation . . . just remember to use a light touch with each pass . . .

For some, there are others (Aristocrat, Fat Boy, Slim, Tech) that work better . . . but with the right "touch" and approach, one can never go wrong with a Super Speed.

My son wanted to get into DE wetshaving last year . . . for Christmas, I gave him a 1972 Super Speed and a VDH brush & bowl set . . . you will never fail with the "basics" :thumbup1:
I have used the HD you have and many Gillette vintage razors as well. For me and my face the early 40/50's supper speeds can't be beat. :thumbup1:
I've got a few Super Speeds. My favorite is the 48-50 model. Simple, elegant, Bogart-esque; just flat cool. Oh, and it shaves beautifully, too.
Since I have 6 of the 40's style (pre-'54/pre-flair tip), I'd say one of those. A SS is my choice for a close comfortable shave without being aggressive. To clean I use Scrubbing Bubbles with a soft toothbrush and finish with a 70% isopropyl alcohol soak. A little Maas or Blue Magic metal polish will make them look nice and shiny.
Welcome to B&B.

I have used the 38c and 34c.
If you are looking for something a little more forgiving then as others have
said here you will enjoy the Super Speed or a Tech.

Check out the BST listings.

Enjoy the adventure....
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