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Comparison Between Lab Blue Personna and Medical Personna

I decided to expand my small trove of DE blades and noticed on B&B two Personna blades keep popping up as sharper and smoother than other DE blades, Feather and Kai notwithstanding. This board would be the ideal place to tap into the vast experience of wet-shavers to find out more about these blades. So, what is the difference in sharpness, smoothness, and durability between the Lab Blue Personna and the Medical Personna? Where would be the best source to purchase them? Many thanks for your comments.

Oops, my bad. I just noticed below in Similar Posts after my post that at least two fairly recent tests compared the two blades. Please disregard the request for comparison, but feel free to post sources where these may be purchased. Again, sorry for my haste, which belabored this subject.
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google is your friend (2,000 + posts about this already and still counting)


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lol. Point taken. I already withdrew the request about comparison. Next time I'll look, i. e., search, before I leap into a subject. I just need to know where members prefer to purchase them.
I believe Robbins Instruments is the cheapest for Med Preps. 100ct box is $25, shipping might be $5, I'm not sure. Labs are on amazon for $13/100ct.

Recently I've tried both, initially after using med prep and switching to labs I thought the lab was a bit less smooth. But now I'm not sure after using the lab for a while. I will have to re-try both blades again a few times before deciding. Labs are far cheaper, but since I only shave a small portion of my neck (3-4x weekly) the cost isn't an issue since each blade can last me 3 weeks.
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