I am finally very close to pulling the trigger on my first Simpson's and I think that I have it narrowed down to these two, but I am still accepting additional input if any of you think that I have missed something that more closely meets my preferences....which are:
I think that both of these Simpson's would suit me well, but I have also looked hard at the Duke 2 and some others. I like the Duke, but it hits a bit above my price point. Both the Colonel and Commodore are priced at $65 from WCS so there is no price consideration in choosing one over the other.
- Steve
- Primarily a bowl latherer, with occasional face lathering when the mood strikes me.
- I use soaps and creams about equally
- I have developed a preference for brushes with significant backbone, that is, springy without floppiness
- Don't really dig scritchiness in a brush, prefer soft tips
- Smaller brushes suit me well, I find them easy to work with
I think that both of these Simpson's would suit me well, but I have also looked hard at the Duke 2 and some others. I like the Duke, but it hits a bit above my price point. Both the Colonel and Commodore are priced at $65 from WCS so there is no price consideration in choosing one over the other.
- Steve