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Commodore X2 or Colonel X2L?

I am finally very close to pulling the trigger on my first Simpson's and I think that I have it narrowed down to these two, but I am still accepting additional input if any of you think that I have missed something that more closely meets my preferences....which are:

  • Primarily a bowl latherer, with occasional face lathering when the mood strikes me.
  • I use soaps and creams about equally
  • I have developed a preference for brushes with significant backbone, that is, springy without floppiness
  • Don't really dig scritchiness in a brush, prefer soft tips
  • Smaller brushes suit me well, I find them easy to work with

I think that both of these Simpson's would suit me well, but I have also looked hard at the Duke 2 and some others. I like the Duke, but it hits a bit above my price point. Both the Colonel and Commodore are priced at $65 from WCS so there is no price consideration in choosing one over the other.

- Steve :001_cool:
When you say you like smaller brushes you mean the knot right? Or is it the handle? For my own preference I like longer handles if I bowl lather, and the Colonel X2L is reported by many to be a great all around brush. I think that would fit the bill quite nicely. If you'd want a smaller handle either the Commodore X2 or Duke 2 would be great. They all are measured at the same loft, and similar knot sizes with the Duke being just a smidge smaller but should still compare favorably, so basically it's just coming down to the size of the handle and if you thing that shape would suit you well.

Now if you like smaller brushes period I'd give a good look at the Berkeley and the Case. The Case is a great little brush with a firm backbone and very soft. Not something I'd bowl lather with too much as I just like a longer handle for that but face lathering is great. The Berkeley has a bit of a bigger knot though smaller than the brushes you mentioned along with a longer handle and about the same loft. Plus it looks very similar to the Duke! :thumbup1: Oh and if you order from WCS make sure you use the BANDB coupon code to save 10% on the Simpson brushes and a few other brands as well. When you enter it you can see what it all applies to! :thumbup1:
Not a very precise description on the size, was it? You got it though, I meant the size of the knot. I've got a Fuller boar that is sized at about 22-23ish by 50mm, give or take a mm or two from my ruler measurements. Something in that ballpark on diameter with a bit shorter loft would be perfect I think.

Here's a pic of the Fuller that has won me over to this general size, with a VDH thrown in for scale/comparison.

Are there any brushes by other makers that would be similar & should be considered?


- Steve :001_cool:
You could always go with a custom brush made by one of the many available options here and choose out the type of knot you want. Quite popular and you can specify it down to what you want. Any of those brushes would be great. Otherwise no other makers or options are coming to mind unless you come across a good deal in the BST forum which happens often as long as you keep an eye out! :thumbup1:
Didn't really make the connection until I took the pic of my Fuller, but the handle is very similar to that of the Colonel...I like it, but I wonder if I wouldn't want something different.

I have been trying to decide on a brush for quite a while as my first "good" brush. Simpson seems to offer everything that I want, but I want to make sure I'm not missing any other obvious choices. I am back and forth on asking Rudy Vey to work something up for me though. :tongue_sm

- Steve :001_cool:
Simpson Best is just win. Its turning into my new montra. I have a Commodore x3 and its a great little brush. This is one of my favorite handles. Very comfy to hold with the unique shape. I had a Polo 8 that is similar to the Colonel, and I did not care for the thick and long handle, though again it could be more comfortable in a smaller form. Just my thoughts.
Have the Colonel. It excels as a soap brush and is quite useable as a cream brush. It has very good backbone and is soft. If it makes any difference, the loft on the Colonel is about 45-46mm which is less than you specified. Believe the Commodore 2 is a bit higher than that, and hence may make it work better with creams. Was seriously looking a Commodore 2 to go with my Colonel to round out my brush collection. However, went with the Grosvenor LE in two-band instead; and it is GREAT for soaps and creams!!!!
I have the Colonel and a Commodore X1. The Colonel has a great handle and a nice dense knot. Its a brush that can handle anything you throw at it. I am now a Simpson fan and have caught a serious case of SBAD from my Colonel purchase.
Well, that dilemma is solved, thanks to Loric :thumbup:

Should have a Commodore X3 arriving next week, purchased from Loric on the B/S/T. He gave me some more details on these brushes from his experience and I ended up buying the one he had for sale that I have been watching since it popped up on the B/S/T. Win-win :biggrin1:

Thanks all for your help!

- Steve :001_cool:
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