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Coming back to the pipe - need tobacco advice


The Lather Maestro
There are a lot of noob tobacco advice threads here, but I'm not really a noob, I just have gotten away from pipe smoking over the last 25 years for some reason. I do enjoy an occasional cigar.

I am within walking distance of Iwan Ries in Chicago on the weekends and I'd like to go in for old times sake and pick something up rather than mail order it (that is if I can take the heat tomorrow!).

Not having smoked a pipe in so long, I pretty much forget what these tobaccos are like, but I know I did not care for many aromatics (usually too hot, burned the tongue), or anything flavored with fruity stuff. So I went with the heavy English-type full-bodied blends right away. As I recall these were some of what I liked, but after all this time I don't really remember any of them, so I'm counting on you folks who know these brands to steer me right. I am using the links because there is a description of them.





As I recall, although I liked these types of tobacco, nobody around me did, they are a little strong, and some are downright anti-social. Again, I don't remember much about these flavors and I might want to break myself into this again with some lighter fare. But if any of you are familiar with these, can you point me to some 'natural' (non flavored, no added junk) lighter tobaccos that -- and this is important -- you have received compliments on from non-smokers? Later on, I can get a heavier blend to be enjoyed by me in secret, but I'd like to start out with something more sociable at first.

If you peruse the Iwan Ries site, you will see they have a TON of stuff there. While I appreciate advice on brands not available there, for now I want to walk over an buy a couple. Maybe two to start. I will get into mail order stuff later, I am sure, but with Iwan Ries so close I really want to just walk in and get it. It is so nice to be able to walk into both Merz and Iwan Ries, I want to savor that. :001_tt2:

Thanks, gents! Two suggestions for a pipe 'restarter'? I appreciate it.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Welcome back. Have you tried Squadron Leader, which is a very nice English blend tobacco?


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
I like Frog Morton for my Latakia fix, and the wife tolerates it.
I've not received a compliment from a non-smoker unless I'm smoking an aromatic. GF tolerates Dunhill Early Morning Pipe and Frog Morton on the Bayou in close quarters but doesn't exactly like the smell.
I've been complimented on the scent of Captain Black White 3x in a month. Not exactly an English blend, but I've found that it's quite tasty in a filtered cob or dr. grabow pipe.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I've not received a compliment from a non-smoker unless I'm smoking an aromatic. GF tolerates Dunhill Early Morning Pipe and Frog Morton on the Bayou in close quarters but doesn't exactly like the smell.
My wife is a non-smoker and loves Squadron Leader, Grousemoor, dunhill Early morning, and Petersons University Flake. I will find out tomorrow what she thinks of black xx.
If she likes that one we'll know more about the exceptional tolerance of your wife than anything else.


The Lather Maestro
@Kentos "and the wife tolerates it" Not what I'm going for. :lol: IIRC, the IRC Royal was my favorite and I believe it is the Latakia that the smokers like and the neighbors hate. Rather than try to get away with a little Latikia the others will tolerate, I will definitely pick up some Royal when I am at Iwan Ries, and just smoke that when I am alone. I may as well get off by myself and have what I really like rather than go for a compromise neither I nor others will really be happy with. I've decided to grab a pkg of IRC Royal for sure.

@OC_in_FW That Squadron Leader gets a lot of love around here, I did peruse the forum a bit last night. I will have to try that.

@jwhite That Irish Oak looks promising, that might be one I give a tryout. I can't remember what all the different tobaccos bring to a blend, I'll have to research all this. I used to be really into it, but it was so loooonng ago.

Components: Burley, Black Cavendish, Virginia, Perique.
Originally blended from a rich, dark, heavy bodied Cavendish, this tobacco is made smooth by adding a mixture of Zimbabwean orange smoking grades and aromatic Thailand Burley. It is mellowed using Black Perique blend tobacco from Louisiana bayou. As tradition dictates, the leaf is stored for many years in sherry oak barrels, giving the tobacco its name and an exquisite mature oaken aroma.

@VirtualAsylum I used to have Captain Black when I was out and about, and I remember getting a lot of compliments on it from people nearby. I don't remember whether I used the white, blue or gold label, however. I seem to remember folks had a generally positive reaction to cavendish and I did not object to it as much as hot-smoking aromatics or flavored stuff. I think I also used to like Troost Special Cavendish, IIRC. Which Capt Black to get? White, blue or gold??

Thanks for the suggestions, folks, I appreciate it very much. I do want to stay away from "compromise" blends however. If I want an IRC Royal or Dunhill Nightcap, I'll just go off by myself and do it somewhere. So for later posters, please stay away from "and she tolerates it". Not interested in that. Here's the rule:

Only nominate a choice if at least one person has told you at some point, "Hey, that's a really nice pipe tobacco, I like that!" Just one is good enough. "Well, at least it doesn't make me want to run screaming from the room." is not what I am after.

Thanks again.
I suggest trying some of the C&D blends. I think Mississippi Mud may be right up your ally. Very earthy and with just right amount of smoke IMHO.


The Lather Maestro
I suggest trying some of the C&D blends. I think Mississippi Mud may be right up your ally. Very earthy and with just right amount of smoke IMHO.

Found those. The Latakia won't be off-putting to others?
Found those. The Latakia won't be off-putting to others?

It may be but in Mississippi mud my roommate couldn't smell the trademark Latakia smell, only a slight campfire like smell. There's enough to taste but to me it didn't stink up the place. C&D also has plenty of other full flavor blends that are more people friendly than most Englishes.
A Honeywell HEPA air cleaner placed on opposite side of room will draw most smoke and odors away from significant others.


The Lather Maestro
A Honeywell HEPA air cleaner placed on opposite side of room will draw most smoke and odors away from significant others.

True dat!

But I'm working on finding "other-friendly" blends right now. I will have to get some sort of smoke eliminator so I can enjoy my heavier stuff when I am alone.


The Lather Maestro
Well, I completely abandoned the 'social blend' project. I got to Iwan Ries and was overwhelmed. There was a sales guy there who was helpful and he asked me a very good question. Why go for several blends with pleasant room notes when most of the time I'd be smoking alone? Get what I like and it's pretty easy to find one 'social' blend I can use when needed. Good point.

And they had a buy three get one free Dunhill sale going on, and IT COSTS $15 TO SMOKE IN THEIR LOUNGE, EVEN CUSTOMERS! I was shocked. I figured if you spent some dough they'd let you sit in the lounge and have a cigar or pipe, but nope, $15 for a day pass. So deciding I don't know what I'm doing yet, I got 4 Dunhills, and the free one made me feel a little better about the lounge charge.

Bought a Missouri Meerschaum Country Gentleman corn cob pipe, I'll collect my briars from Philly later. I picked out Deluxe Navy Rolls, Yacht Club, Standard Mixture Mellow (formerly mild, the smoke nazis said can't say mild any more :rolleyes: ) and My Mixture 965. Apparently the Yacht Club is supposed to be most neighbor friendly, the SMM and 965 are similar but one is milder, one is stronger, and the Deluxe Navy Rolls? Well I needed a fourth.

I parked in their lounge with a book and loaded up the DNR. This is sort of like a flake except it lookes like they roll big leaf rolls then slice them into 'coins' rather than the sheets of flake I'm used to in rectangular tins. I rubbed out a couple of coins and loaded up. Wow! I can't say it was bliss, but it was a very nice smoke, kind of medium strength, good old plain tobacco. I'm no good at describing "hints of raisins and currants with this, that, and the other thing" but I liked it. After the false light, lit once and the darn thing smoked clean to the bottom of the bowl, nothing but ash! Never had to relight it.

I would give this 3 stars out of 4 for flavor and smokability. No heat, tongue bite, I can still taste cheese and scotch now back at my folks' apartment. All in all a nice first foray after a 25 year layoff! I'm going to enjoy this!


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Sounds like a great time, John, and some good scores. An acquaintance is sending me some 965, and I can't wait to try it. As to the Deluxe Navy Rolls, does anyone know how the flavor compares to Sam Gawith Navy Flake?

oops- it is not 965, but Solani 633 someone is sending me.
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They're pretty different. DNR is a vapor and has more of that dried stone fruit nuance, while SG Navy is VA with a modest amount of latikia and rum. I think the SG is a bit fuller as well. Both are nice tobaccos.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
They're pretty different. DNR is a vapor and has more of that dried stone fruit nuance, while SG Navy is VA with a modest amount of latikia and rum. I think the SG is a bit fuller as well. Both are nice tobaccos.
Thanks James


The Lather Maestro
What's a vapor? And are there any recommended websites where I can learn about the different tobacco varieties and the art of blending? I'd like to glean a little more intelligence from the product descriptions than I am able to do now.



Fridays are Fishtastic!
What's a vapor? And are there any recommended websites where I can learn about the different tobacco varieties and the art of blending? I'd like to glean a little more intelligence from the product descriptions than I am able to do now.


I think auto correct got James. Va-Per is a pipe tobacco containing Virginia and Perique.

on edit: shoot me your email. When I started, someone posted a smoking mans guide in PDF form. I have it on my desktop at home. It has a lot of good info.
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